MariaDB CommandBox Commands v0.1.2 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox Commands for CFMariaDB
box install mariadb-commandbox-commands
pinpointsdk v0.2.1 (CommandBox Modules)
Amazon Pinpoint SDK
box install pinpointsdk
MongoDB connectivity package for CommandBox v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
MongoDB Java driver wrapper for CommandBox
box install commandbox-mongodb
CommandBox cbPlaywright v1.1.4 (CommandBox Modules)
Support and commands for cbPlaywright
box install commandbox-cbplaywright
CommandBox Update Check v1.3.2 (CommandBox Modules)
Always make sure your CLI and system modules are up to date!
box install commandbox-update-check
Console Pretty v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
I draw bordered message boxes to the console
box install ConsolePretty
Mitrah Test API v0.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
My test
box install mitrah-test-api-wrapper v1.0.11 (CommandBox Modules)
non-intrusive collaborative debugging and data streaming
box install nerdvision
CommandBox Git protect v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Prevent git repos from being overwritten on box install
box install commandbox-git-protect
GitBook Exporter v1.1.13 (CommandBox Modules)
Create a PDF eBook from any Gitbook data export
box install gitbook-exporter
Tweet Box v0.3.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A custom command for CommandBox to post Twitter status updates and send direct messages.
box install tweetbox
CommandBox Markdown v2.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
box install commandbox-markdown
crud-cbadmin v1.3.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox tool for scaffolding crud
box install crud-cbadmin
Pixl8 Translation Manager CommandBox Commands v0.9.2+0000009 (CommandBox Modules)
Commands for pushing and pulling translation projects to Pixl8's translation manager
box install pixl8-translation-manager-commandbox-commands
CommandBox ColdSpring XML to WireBox DSL v1.1.0+12 (CommandBox Modules)
This module will convert a ColdSpring XML to WireBox DSL
box install commandbox-coldspring-to-wirebox Command v0.1.5 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox comand for converting CFML tags to Script
box install cfscriptme-command
CommandBox Sprint Namer v1.2.0+10 (CommandBox Modules)
A handy command to generate sprint names
box install commandbox-sprint-namer
Slack CommandBox Commands v1.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
Commands to help with posting messages to Slack from the CommandBox commandline.
box install slack-commandbox-commands
AWS IMDS Expander v1.0.6 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox AWS IMDS Expander Module
box install commandbox-awsimds
S3 CommandBox Commands v0.1.4+0000002 (CommandBox Modules)
Commands to help with Amazon S3 integration on the CommandBox commandline and package management.
box install s3-commandbox-commands
CommandBox Fortune v0.1.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Prints out a useful or amusing quote.
box install commandbox-fortune
BrowserSync v1.3.3 (CommandBox Modules)
Automatic reload on file changes via nodejs browsersync
box install commandbox-browsersync
Quick Commands v1.1.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Helpful scaffolding tools for Quick
box install quick-commands
Commandbox-EnvFile v0.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A simple tool to create and modify .env files from CommandBox
box install commandbox-envfile
Ecosystem Testing v1.0.4 (CommandBox Modules)
A tool to configure an ecosystem of multiple projects from multiple repos, typically for a feature testing process.e
box install ecosystemTesting
Commandbox-CBDatasource v0.0.3 (CommandBox Modules)
A tool to create and list datasources for a CommandBox Installation
box install commandbox-cbdatasource
CommandBox Git Hooks v1.0.2 (CommandBox Modules)
Manage your git hooks with CommandBox
box install commandbox-githooks
API Wrapper Template v1.0.8 (CommandBox Modules)
A template for building API clients in CFML
box install api-wrapper-template
bookmarks v1.5.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox module that allows for directory bookmarking.
box install commandbox-bookmarks
maven-command v0.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox comand for installing jar files from maven repository.
box install maven-command
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