Commandbox-BoxLangFeatureAudit v0.0.9 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox wrapper for the Boxlang Feature Audit tool
box install commandbox-BoxLangFeatureAudit
CommandBox BoxLang CLI Tools v1.14.0+15 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox BoxLang CLI Tools
box install commandbox-boxlang
Schema Compare v0.0.2 (CommandBox Modules)
A tool to compare schemas and create scema migrations based on those changes.
box install commandbox-schemacompare
Wheels CLI Commands v3.0.22 (CommandBox Modules) CLI Commands
box install wheels-cli
commandbox-ssg v0.2.2 (CommandBox Modules)
box install commandbox-ssg
commandbox-apiman v1.2.4 (CommandBox Modules)
A curl-like command for commandbox
box install commandbox-apiman
TestBox CLI v1.6.0+23 (CommandBox Modules)
The TestBox CLI will assist you with running, reporting and generating tests
box install testbox-cli
ColdBox CLI v7.5.0+11 (CommandBox Modules)
The official CLI for the ColdBox Framework
box install coldbox-cli
JavaFX Demo v1.0.4 (CommandBox Modules)
Demo of JavaFX bundled in CommandBox
box install javafx-demo
Ecosystem Testing v1.0.4 (CommandBox Modules)
A tool to configure an ecosystem of multiple projects from multiple repos, typically for a feature testing process.e
box install ecosystemTesting
Advent of Code Automation Runner v0.0.7 (CommandBox Modules)
Automatically retrieve your daily Advent of Code input and submit your answers.
box install wdm-aoc
AWS IMDS Expander v1.0.6 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox AWS IMDS Expander Module
box install commandbox-awsimds
CommandBox cbPlaywright v1.1.4 (CommandBox Modules)
Support and commands for cbPlaywright
box install commandbox-cbplaywright
CommandBox Task Local Model Resolver v1.0.2 (CommandBox Modules)
A simple module that allows Task Runners to inject CFCs from the shell's working dir
box install commandbox-task-local-model-resolver
CommandBox ColdSpring XML to WireBox DSL v1.1.0+12 (CommandBox Modules)
This module will convert a ColdSpring XML to WireBox DSL
box install commandbox-coldspring-to-wirebox
CommandBox Sprint Namer v1.2.0+10 (CommandBox Modules)
A handy command to generate sprint names
box install commandbox-sprint-namer
CommandBox Log4j Detect v1.0.2 (CommandBox Modules)
A simple wrapper for the Log4j Detect project found here:
box install commandbox-log4j-detect
CommandBox GitHub v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Run your cfmigrations from CommandBox
box install commandbox-github
Pixl8 Translation Manager CommandBox Commands v0.9.2+0000009 (CommandBox Modules)
Commands for pushing and pulling translation projects to Pixl8's translation manager
box install pixl8-translation-manager-commandbox-commands
CommandBox Elastic APM v1.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
Adds support to start your CommandBox servers with Elastic APM
box install commandbox-elastic-apm
ContentBox CLI v1.7.0+4 (CommandBox Modules)
The official CLI for the ContentBox Modular CMS
box install contentbox-cli
CommandBox Convert v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A conversion tool for taking table like data and converting it to excel, csv, json, or pdf
box install commandbox-convert
navigate v0.2.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox module that allows you to navigate your working directory history.
box install commandbox-navigate
CommandBox CFC to Markdown Docs v2.5.3 (CommandBox Modules)
Generate markdown documentation from your CFCs
box install commandbox-cfc-to-markdown-docs
CommandBox Git protect v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Prevent git repos from being overwritten on box install
box install commandbox-git-protect
Mitrah Test API v0.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
My test
box install mitrah-test-api-wrapper
bookmarks v1.5.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox module that allows for directory bookmarking.
box install commandbox-bookmarks v1.0.11 (CommandBox Modules)
non-intrusive collaborative debugging and data streaming
box install nerdvision
maven-command v0.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox comand for installing jar files from maven repository.
box install maven-command
CommandBox Banner Hack v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox module for customizing all the text in the CLI startup banner.
box install commandbox-banner-hack
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