BoxLang Compat Module For CFML v1.22.0+29 (BoxLang Modules)
Compatibility module for BoxLang so it behaves like a CFML engine
box install bx-compat-cfml
BoxLang Mail Module v1.4.0+10 (BoxLang Modules)
Boxlang module which adds mail funcitionality, components, and methods.
box install bx-mail
ESAPI v1.2.0+4 (BoxLang Modules)
Module template for BoxLang modules
box install bx-esapi
BoxLang MySQL v1.0.0+5 (BoxLang Modules)
MySQL JDBC Support for BoxLang
box install bx-mysql
BoxLang Apache Derby v1.1.0+5 (BoxLang Modules)
BoxLang module for Apache Derby database connectivity
box install bx-derby
BoxLang PDF Module v1.4.1+10 (BoxLang Modules)
PDF Module for BoxLang
box install bx-pdf
BoxLang Compat Module (DEPRECATED) v1.4.1+8 (BoxLang Modules)
Compatibility module for BoxLang so it behaves like a CFML engine
box install bx-compat
BoxLang Image Library v1.0.1 (BoxLang Modules)
Boxlang Image processing module
box install bx-image
BoxLang Microsoft SQL Server v1.1.0+9 (BoxLang Modules)
Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Support for BoxLang
box install bx-mssql
BoxLang ORM v1.0.0+1 (BoxLang Modules)
ORM for BoxLang
box install bx-orm
Boxlang WDDX Module v1.5.0+8 (BoxLang Modules)
BoxLang module for processing to and from Web Distributed Data eXchange (WDDX)
box install bx-wddx
BoxLang MariaDB v1.0.0+7 (BoxLang Modules)
Module template for BoxLang modules
box install bx-mariadb
BoxLang Password Encryption Module v1.0.1+4 (BoxLang Modules)
Password Hashing and Encryption module for BoxLang
box install bx-password-encrypt
BoxLang Oracle v1.3.0+8 (BoxLang Modules)
Oracle JDBC Support for BoxLang
box install bx-oracle
BoxLang Jython Support v1.2.0+3 (BoxLang Modules)
Module template for BoxLang modules
box install bx-jython
BoxLang PostgreSQL v1.0.0+2 (BoxLang Modules)
PostgreSQL JDBC Support for BoxLang
box install bx-postgresql
BoxLang CSRF v1.1.0+2 (BoxLang Modules)
Contributes Cross-Site Request Forgery Token Functions to BoxLang
box install bx-csrf
bx-lsp v1.0.0-snapshot (BoxLang Modules)
Module template for BoxLang modules
box install bx-lsp
Boxlang UI Forms Module v1.1.0+2 (BoxLang Modules)
BoxLang HTML UI Module for Forms and Form Tags Generation
box install bx-ui-forms
BoxLang FTP v1.1.0+2 (BoxLang Modules)
Module template for BoxLang modules
box install bx-ftp
BoxLang OS & Hardware Info v1.2.0+3 (BoxLang Modules)
Module template for BoxLang modules
box install bx-oshi
Unsafe Evaluate v1.0.0+2 (BoxLang Modules)
Unsafe Evaluate() function for BoxLang
box install bx-unsafe-evaluate
BoxLang AI v1.0.0 (BoxLang Modules)
AI integration for BoxLang
box install bx-ai
BoxLang HyperSQL v1.0.0+4 (BoxLang Modules)
Module template for BoxLang modules
box install bx-hypersql
BoxLang YAML v1.0.0+2 (BoxLang Modules)
Module template for BoxLang modules
box install bx-yaml
BoxLang Web Support Module v1.0.0-snapshot-SNAPSHOT (BoxLang Modules)
This module gives you web support for BoxLang CLI applications
box install bx-web-support
BoxLang Waffle Generator v1.1.1 (BoxLang Modules)
The Official BoxLang Waffle Module
box install bx-waffle
Boxlang Redis Module v0.1.0+1 (BoxLang Modules)
Redis Cache Providers for BoxLang Runtimes
box install bx-redis
BoxLang INI Files Helper v1.0.0+1 (BoxLang Modules)
This module helps you load, read, write and parse INI files in your BoxLang applications.
box install bx-ini
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