CFConfig CLI v2.1.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CLI library for importing, exporting, transferring, and otherwise managing CF engine configuration.
box install commandbox-cfconfig
cfformat v0.20.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox module for formatting CFML component files.
box install commandbox-cfformat
CommandBox dotenv v2.4.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Convention approach to adding environment variables to JVM args for CommandBox.
box install commandbox-dotenv
CommandBox FusionReactor v5.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Adds support to start your CommandBox servers with FusionReactor
box install commandbox-fusionreactor
CommandBox DocBox Commands v2.2.0+2 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox command for generating API docs from the command line via DocBox
box install commandbox-docbox
CommandBox Host Updater v1.10.1 (CommandBox Modules)
Adds the host name you assign to a CommandBox server to the hosts file.
box install commandbox-hostupdater
CommandBox Elastic APM v1.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
Adds support to start your CommandBox servers with Elastic APM
box install commandbox-elastic-apm
commandbox-cflint v2.4.0 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox command for running CFLint
box install commandbox-cflint
fixinator v6.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox command for scanning CFML code to find security issues.
box install fixinator
CFMigrations Commands v5.2.1 (CommandBox Modules)
Run your cfmigrations from CommandBox
box install commandbox-migrations
CodeChecker CLI v1.4.0 (CommandBox Modules)
The CLI for CodeChecker
box install commandbox-codechecker
CommandBox Docker .lex Install v0.0.4 (CommandBox Modules)
Preload Lucee extensions (.lex) into your CommandBox Docker deployments.
box install docker-lex-install
PresideCMS CommandBox Commands v7.0.7+0000093 (CommandBox Modules)
Commands to help with PresideCMS development.
box install preside-commands
cfml-compiler v1.0.6 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox command for compiling CFML code.
box install cfml-compiler
TestBox CLI v1.6.0+23 (CommandBox Modules)
The TestBox CLI will assist you with running, reporting and generating tests
box install testbox-cli
CommandBox Chuck Norris v2.0.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
This is a CommandBox command called
box install CommandBox-Chuck-Norris
CommandBox Bullet Train v1.4.2 (CommandBox Modules)
A cool zsh-inspired prompt customizer for CommandBox 4.0
box install commandbox-bullet-train
CommandBox Semantic Release v4.1.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Automated releases for CFML applications
box install commandbox-semantic-release
ContentBox CLI v1.7.0+4 (CommandBox Modules)
The official CLI for the ContentBox Modular CMS
box install contentbox-cli
CommandBox BoxLang CLI Tools v1.14.0+15 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox BoxLang CLI Tools
box install commandbox-boxlang
commandbox-minify v0.4.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A Commandbox module that combines and minifies JavaScript and CSS files
box install commandbox-minify
ColdBox CLI v7.5.0+11 (CommandBox Modules)
The official CLI for the ColdBox Framework
box install coldbox-cli
FW/1 Commands v2.1.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A collection of CommandBox commands for FW/1.
box install fw1-commands
CommandBox HTTP Command v1.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox command to perform HTTP requests
box install commandbox-http-command
Wheels CLI Commands v3.0.22 (CommandBox Modules) CLI Commands
box install wheels-cli
CFWheels CLI Commands v3.0.3 (CommandBox Modules)
CFWheels CLI Commands for CommandBox
box install cfwheels-cli
Image To ASCII v2.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox command called
box install CommandBox-ImageToASCII
CommandBox Banner Customizer v1.1.0 (CommandBox Modules)
I let you customize your CommandBox startup banner
box install commandbox-banner-customizer
MariaDB CommandBox Commands v0.1.2 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox Commands for CFMariaDB
box install mariadb-commandbox-commands
pinpointsdk v0.2.1 (CommandBox Modules)
Amazon Pinpoint SDK
box install pinpointsdk
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