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CommandBox Semantic Release

v4.1.0 CommandBox Modules

CommandBox Semantic Release

All Contributors

Automatic version management, package publishing, and changelogs.

Thanks and Prior Art

Why? / Benefits

  • Stop thinking about what the next version should be.
  • Releases happen on Continuous Integration (CI) servers. You don't even need to be at a computer. Releases from your smartphone just by merging a pull request.
  • Automatic changelog generation.

The package was written due to a desire to be able to release a new version of a library after merging a pull request without having to open my computer and run some scripts locally. In fact, due to this module, I can simply squash and merge a pull request and the appropriate version will be released automatically.


CommandBox Semantic Release ships with powerful and sensible defaults for using GitHub for remote source control, Travis CI for continuous integration, and ForgeBox for package management. The setup steps here will take you through setting up this workflow. If you have different workflow needs, please check out Extending CommandBox Semantic Release below.

Setup Steps

These setup steps only need to happen once per repository set up with CommandBox Semantic Release.

Pro Tip: Almost all these steps will be done for you automatically when you use the cb-module-template to scaffold your module. You will just need to add an after_success block to your .travis.yml file, add your encrypted environment variables to Travis CI, and start committing with the conventional changelog format!

  • Host your repository on GitHub.
  • Have a ForgeBox account
  • Activate the repository on Travis CI.
  • Configure your box.json.
  • Add a .travis.yml file.
  • Adding encrypted environment variables to Travis CI
    • GH_TOKEN
  • Follow the conventional changelog commit message format.
Host your repository on GitHub.

Check out GitHub's help site for getting started.

Have a ForgeBox account

ForgeBox is the package manager for CFML. Sign up for a free account to get started.

Activate the repository on Travis CI.

Sign up for Travis CI and make sure your repository created above is activated.

Configure your box.json.

Make sure your box.json file has the current version of the package. Remember that CommandBox Semantic Release will increment this version on every successful build.

Note: You do not want any package scripts that will commit or push code to source control. This will be handled as part of CommandBox Semantic Release.

Add a .travis.yml file.

Below is a sample .travis.yml file that will test your code on multiple CF engines. It assumes TestBox will be used in combination with a /tests/runner.cfm file to run your project's tests.

Technically, testing is not a requirement for CommandBox Semantic Release. If your project does not have tests you can run the semantic release process (currently found in the after_success block) as your script.

language: java
sudo: required
- oraclejdk8
  - "$HOME/.CommandBox"
  - ENGINE=adobe@2016
  - ENGINE=adobe@11
  - ENGINE=lucee@5
  - [email protected]
- sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 6DA70622
- sudo echo "deb /" | sudo tee -a
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --assume-yes install commandbox
- box install
- box server start cfengine=$ENGINE port=8500
- box testbox run runner=''
  - box install commandbox-semantic-release
  - box config set endpoints.forgebox.APIToken=${FORGEBOX_TOKEN}
  - box semantic-release
  email: false

Also supports targetBranch, preReleaseIDs and BuildIDs from the CommandLine

box semantic-release targetBranch=development prereleaseid=snapshot buildid=3456

This will create a version in the format: v1.0.5-snapshot.3456

Or as Environment Variables for CI Pipeline integration _ BUILD_VERSION_PRERELEASEID _ BUILD_VERSION_BUILDID

Adding encrypted enviornment variables to Travis CI

You will need the following environment variables available to your build on Travis CI:


A GitHub personal access token with repo scopes. This is used to push changes made on your CI server (like version updates and changelogs) back to GitHub.


A Travis CI personal access token. This is used to check the status of other jobs in the build to avoid cutting a new release if only one job of a build fails. It also prevents more than one job in a single build releasing a new version.


A ForgeBox API token. This is used to publish a new release in ForgeBox. If the package in question is a private package, the token will be needed to retrieve the current version information as well.

Since these are API tokens, you want to make sure they are encrypted and hidden in your builds so you don't accidentally leak your tokens.

Please refer to Travis CI's documentation for defining encrypted enviornment variables in your .travis.yml file or here for defining them in repository settings. Either location is valid and will protect you from accidentally leaking your API Tokens.

Follow the conventional changelog commit message format.

Conventional Changelog (in a nutshull) means crafting your commit messages in the following format:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

This format has two features.

First, these commit messages let us know what change is next. Here are the high level rules:

  1. If the footer contains BREAKING CHANGE:, then a major release is issued.
  2. If any of the changes have a type of feat (for feature), then a minor release is issued.
  3. Otherwise, a patch release is issued.

Second, these commit messages allow you to easily create a nice, sectioned changelog for your repository. If you do not follow the commit message format, this feature will still work — your changelog will just not be formatted nicely.


Now that the setup is done, it's time to use CommandBox Semantic Release!

By default, CommandBox Semantic Release will build a release only if certain conditions are met. (These are specified in the VerifyConditions plugin):

  1. The build is not due to a previous build. (This is determined using a special commit message.)
  2. The build is running on Travis CI. (This prevents accidental builds on your local system.)
  3. The build is not for a pull request.
  4. The build is not for a tag.
  5. The branch being built is for our target branch. (The default target branch is master.)
  6. The job being built is the first job in the matrix. (This prevents multiple jobs from each cutting a release.)
  7. All jobs passed their build.

This means that the easiest way to start our automated releases is to push the master branch to GitHub. Then, assuming all your tests pass, you will see a section at the end with the release information.

$ box install commandbox-semantic-release
$ box config set endpoints.forgebox.APIToken=${FORGEBOX_TOKEN}
Set endpoints.forgebox.APIToken = [secure]
$ box semantic-release
  ✓  Conditions verified
  ✓  Retrieved last version:  3.4.0
  ✓  Commits  retrieved
  ✓  Commits parsed
  ✓  Commits filtered
  ✓  Next release type:  minor
  ✓  Next version number:  3.5.0
  ✓  Release verified
  ✓  Notes generated
  ✓  Changelog updated
  ✓  Artifacts committed
  ✓  Release published
  ✓  Release publicized

This will automatically generate a file and tag the release on GitHub.

# 24-Jan-2018 — 04:28: 37 UTC

### feat

- **Collection:** Add push, unshift, and splice methods ([e7c3efb](

### fix

- **box.json:** Revert version to the actual version ([41f1185](


The dryRun flag can be used to see the next version of your application without actually publishing a new release. Each plugin chooses how to respond to a dryRun flag. In general, any checks, committing, and publishing work will be skipped. You can run CommandBox Semantic Release with the dryRun option as many times as you would like without changing your package or publishing a release.

> semantic-release --dryRun

        Starting Dry Run

  ✓  Conditions verified
  ✓  Retrieved last version:  1.0.1
  ✓  Commits  retrieved
  ✓  Commits parsed
  ✓  Commits filtered
  ✓  Next release type:  patch
  ✓  Next version number:  1.0.2
  ✓  Release verified
  ✓  Notes generated
  ✓  Changelog updated
  ✓  Artifacts committed
  ✓  Release published
  ✓  Release publicized

        Finished Dry Run


To see more information about each step printed to the console, pass the verbose flag. Each plugin chooses how to respond to the verbose flag.

> semantic-release --verbose

  ✓  Conditions verified
  ✓  Retrieved last version:  1.0.1

    Printing out commits

  ✓  Commits  retrieved

         Hash: e5b5a76
         Type: fix
        Scope: box.json
      Subject: Don't attempt to push to git on publish

  ✓  Commits parsed
  ✓  Commits filtered
  ✓  Next release type:  patch
  ✓  Next version number:  1.0.2
  ✓  Release verified

        NEW NOTES

### fix

+ __box.json:__ Don't attempt to push to git on publish ([e5b5a76](

        END NOTES

  ✓  Notes generated


# 26 Jan 2018 — 20:49: 38 UTC

### fix

+ __box.json:__ Don't attempt to push to git on publish ([e5b5a76](


  ✓  Changelog updated
  ✓  Artifacts committed
  ✓  Release published
  ✓  Release publicized

Extending CommandBox Semantic Release

Though CommandBox Semantic Release is built to work out of the box on GitHub and Travis CI with sensible defaults, it is incredibly configurable and extensible.


The following plugins are used in CommandBox Semantic Release. They are ran in the order they are presented. Each plugin has an optional interface that provides the arguments they receive.

VerifyConditionsEnsures the current build is valid for a release.TravisConditionsVerifierConditionsVerifier
FetchLastReleaseRetrieves the latest release.ForgeBoxReleaseFetcherReleaseFetcher
RetrieveCommitsRetrieves the commits between the last release and now.JGitCommitsRetrieverCommitsRetriever
ParseCommitParses a commit in to a more usable format.ConventionalChangelogParserCommitParser
FilterCommitsFilters out unwanted commits, such as build process commits.DefaultCommitFiltererCommitFilterer
AnalyzeCommitsAnalyzes the commits to determine the release type.DefaultCommitAnalyzerCommitAnalyzer
VerifyReleaseVerifies the build is still valid for a release.NullReleaseVerifierReleaseVerifier
GenerateNotesGenerates notes for use in the changelog and the release publicationGitHubMarkdownNotesGeneratorNotesGenerator
UpdateChangelogUpdates the changelog.FileAppendChangelogUpdaterChangelogUpdater
CommitArtifactsAllows for committing and pushing artifacts and changes to a remote repositoryGitHubArtifactsCommitterArtifactsCommitter
PublishReleasePublishes a release.ForgeBoxReleasePublisherReleasePublisher
PublicizeReleasePublicizes a release.GitHubReleasePublicizerReleasePublicizer

Plugin Options

CommandBox Semantic Release has a convention for providing plugins with their specific settings through the pluginOptions setting. The pluginOptions settings contains a struct for each of the plugin interfaces. Arbitrary keys and values can be set here via the command line.

box config set modules.settings.commandbox-semantic-release.plugins-VerifyConditions-buildTimeout=1000

These values can then be used in your plugins:

component {
    property name="options" inject="commandbox:moduleSettings: commandbox-semantic-release";

    function run( boolean dryRun = false, boolean verbose = false ) {
        systemOutput( options.plugins-VerifyConditions-buildTimeout ); // 1000

Other Settings

versionPrefixThe version prefix used in your tags in version control. If you don't use a version prefix, set this to an empty string.v
changelogFileNameThe name of your changelog file in your source
targetBranchThe branch that builds are triggered against.master
buildCommitMessageThe commit message used for the CommitArtifacts step. This commit message is also often filtered out from changelogs and prevents the build from running if it is the current commit.__SEMANTIC RELEASE VERSION UPDATE__

Setting CommandBox Semantic Release settings

You set your custom plugins or settings via CommandBox just prior to calling the semantic-release command.

  - box install commandbox-semantic-release
  - box config set endpoints.forgebox.APIToken=${FORGEBOX_TOKEN}
  - box config set modules.settings.commandbox-semantic-release.versionPrefix = ""
  - box config set modules.settings.commandbox-semantic-release.plugins-GenerateNotes = "MyCustomNotesGenerator@commandbox-semantic-release-custom-notes"
  - box config set modules.commandbox-semantic-release.plugins-VerifyConditions="GitLabConditionsVerifier@commandbox-semantic-release"
  - box config set modules.commandbox-semantic-release.plugins-GenerateNotes="GitHubMarkdownNotesGenerator@commandbox-semantic-release"
  - box config set modules.commandbox-semantic-release.plugins-CommitArtifacts="GitLabArtifactsCommitter@commandbox-semantic-release"
  - box config set modules.commandbox-semantic-release.plugins-PublicizeRelease="GitLabReleasePublicizer@commandbox-semantic-release"
  - box semantic-release


I don't want to release on every commit. How do I batch commits for a later release?

An easy way to accomplish this is to have your pull requests merge to a branch different than the CommandBox Semantic Release targetBranch (which defaults to master).

For instance, if you have people merge their changes to development only when you merge development into master will a new release be cut. The new release will contain all the changes since the last version and increment the version number appropriately.

Please note, though, that one of the goals and features of CommandBox Semantic Release is to free you from needing to think about when to cut a release. The philosophy is to merge in any completed feature or bug fix and let semantic versioning do its thing.

How do I force users to use the special commit message syntax?

First off, you don't have to. GitHub allows you, as a maintainer, to squash and merge a pull request. As part of this process you will have the chance to change the commit message.

If you would like to enforce this convention for your team or others who have direct commit access (so they are not going through a pull request), you can use tools like Commitizen to generate the commit message for you or CommandBox Githooks to verify the commit message format on preCommit.

I don't use GitHub, Travis CI, ForgeBox, etc. Can I still use this package?

Absolutely! You'll need to bring your own plugins, but check out Extending CommandBox Semantic Release above to find out how.

I want to cut a manual release (because reasons). Will I be able to use CommandBox Semantic Release after that?

Yes. The next version number is, by default, based on commits between your current HEAD and the last version found on ForgeBox. As long as ForgeBox always has the correct version, you should be fine.

$ box install commandbox-semantic-release

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  • {{ getFullDate("2017-11-14T11:50:06Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2023-08-25T18:45:52Z") }}
  • 6,333
  • 7,088