Let It Snow v1.0 (ContentBox Modules)
A module to load and configure the Let It Snow Script provided by SnowStorm to your pages
box install Let-It-Snow
Social module v1.0 (ContentBox Modules)
Used to show social icon in contentbox pages
box install cbSocial
ContentBox Utilities v1.0 (CFBuilder Extensions)
A ColdFusion Builder extension for ContentBox Modular CMS
box install ContentBox-Utilities
cbForum (coming soon) vdevmodule (Modules)
A place holder for a forum module
box install cbForum
ColdBox Sublime Text Bundle v1.0 (Projects)
ColdBox Platform Sublime IDE Package
box install ColdBox-Sublime-Text-Bundle
ContentBox Google Prettify v2.0.0 (ContentBox Modules)
TThis module allows you to add Akismet capabilities to your ContentBox CMS
box install Google-Prettify
ContentBox PasteBin Embed v2.0.0 (ContentBox Modules)
This module allows you to add PasteBin embedded snippets into your pages
box install contentbox-pastebin
demirkapi v0.2 (ContentBox Themes)
ContentBox Template
box install cbdemirkapi
ContentBox FormBuilder Widget v.01 (ContentBox Widgets)
A widget that renders form based on slug from a form built in the FormBuilder Module
box install ContentBox-FormBuilder-Widget
Form Builder v2.0 (ContentBox Modules)
A cool form builder for ContentBox
box install ContentBox-FormBuilder-Module
HTML Compressor v2.0.0 (ContentBox Modules)
This module compresses output HTML for optimum performance optimizations
box install HTMLCompressor
GoogleAnayltics v0.1 (ContentBox Modules)
Provides Google Analytics for ContentBox
box install GoogleAnayltics
Bootstrap, from Twitter v1.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions
box install Bootstrap-from-Twitter
ContentBox Modular CMS Beta Update Channel v5.0.0 (CMS)
The beta update channel for ContentBox Modular CMS
box install contentbox-beta-updates
ContentBox Modular CMS Stable Update Channel v4.2.1 (CMS)
The stable update channel for ContentBox Modular CMS
box install contentbox-stable-updates
ColdBox FileBrowser v1.8 (Modules)
An awesome file browser and manager.
box install FileBrowser
iTextCFC v1.0 (Plugins)
The power of creating PDF documents with the latest version of iTextPDF java library.
box install iTextCFC
Address Cleaner v0.1.0 (Plugins)
Enter a U.S. based physical address and the cleaner will try to parse it and clean it best it can.
box install Address-Cleaner
Amazon SES Plugin v1.0 (Plugins)
A Plugin to interact with Amazon Simple Email Service REST API
box install Amazon-SES-Plugin
TweetFeed v1.01 (ContentBox Widgets)
A Widget to use that uses the jquery Tweet libary and Twitter Search API to display a list of tweets
box install cbwidget-tweetfeed
SyntaxHighlighter v1.0 (ContentBox Widgets)
A Widget to use that uses the SyntaxHighlighter project to format your code
box install cbwidget-syntaxhighlighter
ColdFish Formatter v1.0 (ContentBox Widgets)
A Widget to use that uses the ColdFish project to format your code
box install cbwidget-coldfishformatter
Deploy v3.0 (Interceptors)
Deployment Application Re-Initializer
box install Deploy
ColdBox SideBar v1.0 (Interceptors)
A Cool ColdBox Developer SideBar
box install ColdBox-SideBar
JSON v2.0 (Plugins)
A custom JSON encoder and decoder
box install JSON
Maintenance Mode v1 (Interceptors)
Places the set of events based on the JSON rules file in maintenance mode
box install Maintenance-Mode
QRCodeGenerator v1.0 (Plugins)
QR Code Generator coldbox plugin
box install QRCodeGenerator
openSRS v1.1.2 (Modules)
Find and purchase domain names via openSRS.com
box install openSRS
Quick Docs v1.0 (Modules)
A quick way to search the API docs
box install Quick-Docs
StringUtils v1.0 (Plugins)
Interface to StringBuilder and StringBuffer Java String Concatenation Classes
box install StringUtils
Search powered by Elastic Search.
Package Types