ForgeBox SDK v1.1.0+17 (Modules)
A module that connects any application to the API
box install forgeboxsdk
Responsive Theme - Skokov for contentbox-theme v3.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Responsive Theme - Skokov for contentbox-theme
box install cbskokov
Responsive Theme - Materialize CSS v3.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Responsive Blog Theme - Materialize CSS
box install cbmaterialize
ContentBox Theme - Asymmetry v1.2.0+38 (ContentBox Themes)
An official ContentBox 3.0 theme
box install cbtheme-asymmetry
ColdBox Properties Loader v1.0.2 (Modules)
Reads values from your Java System properties and adds the values to your ColdBox settings.
box install cbox-properties-loader
Mura CMS v7.0.0 (CMS)
Mura CMS is an open source content management system for CFML.
box install muracms
ContentBox Theme - Simplicity v1.2.0+20 (ContentBox Themes)
An official ContentBox 3.0 theme
box install cbtheme-simplicity
ContentBox Theme - Sections v1.2.0+20 (ContentBox Themes)
An official ContentBox 3.0 theme
box install cbtheme-sections
ContentBox Theme - Rico v1.1.1+13 (ContentBox Themes)
An official ContentBox 3.0 theme
box install cbtheme-rico
ContentBox Theme - Open v1.1.1+14 (ContentBox Themes)
An official ContentBox 3.0 theme
box install cbtheme-open
ContentBox Theme - Gator v1.2.0+19 (ContentBox Themes)
An official ContentBox 3.0 theme
box install cbtheme-gator
Orm Reload Interceptor v1.0.2 (Modules)
Calls ORMReload() when the `ormReload=correct_password` is set in the URL or when `fwreinit` is called.
box install orm-reload-interceptor
Adobe ColdFusion v2023.0.11+330706 (CF Engines)
box install adobe
Lucee CF Engine v6.1.1+118 (CF Engines)
Lucee WAR engine for CommandBox servers.
box install lucee
Railo CF Engine v4.2.1+008 (CF Engines)
Railo WAR engine for CommandBox servers.
box install railo
String Similarity v1.0.0 (Modules)
A small string comparison library to highlight differences between to strings
box install String-Similarity
cfpayment v1.0.0 (Modules)
This module wraps Brian Ghidinelli's CFPayment library - ColdFusion payment processing library makes
box install cfpayment
DotEnvSettings v1.0.0+0001 (Modules)
Read secrets from .env or other config into CB settings
box install dotenvsettings
Recaptcha Google v2.0 v2.4.0 (Modules)
Provides viewlet for including Google's v2.0 Recaptcha, an API interface and a Validator for use with cbvalidation
box install recaptcha2
Rollbar Appender for Logbox v1.0.0 (Logging)
A custom logging appender for integration with Rollbar ( ).
box install logbox-rollbar
Advanced APP Template v1.27.2 (MVC)
box install cbtemplate-advanced
REST APP Template v7.4.0+12 (MVC)
This template gives you the base for building RESTFul web services with ColdBox
box install cbtemplate-rest
Super Simple APP Template v7.1.0 (MVC)
box install cbtemplate-supersimple
Simple APP Template v6.15.0 (MVC)
box install cbtemplate-simple
CommandBox Markdown v2.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
box install commandbox-markdown
Mardown Dingus v1.2.0 (Modules)
The ColdFusion (CFML) version of the Markdown Dingus testing application
box install markdown-dingus
ColdBox Markdown v3.6.0+1 (Modules)
ColdBox Module that provides markdown processing
box install cbmarkdown
CFFractions v1.0.0 (Modules)
A simple CFML whole value implementation of fractions
box install cffractions
Handlebars.lucee v1.0.1 (Caching)
Handlebars.js Templating in Lucee
box install Handlebarslucee
FW/1 (develop -- deprecated: use fw1@be instead) v4.5.0-snapshot (MVC)
Framework One - deprecated develop version: use fw1@be instead
box install fw1-dev
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