ForgeBox API REST Wrapper v2.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that talks to the ForgeBox REST API
box install ForgeBox-API-REST-Wrapper
RecordPaging v2.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that helps you build paging based on a query recordset
box install RecordPaging
Text Differencing Engine v1.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that can help you diff text and report it for you
box install Text-Differencing-Engine
Captcha v1.0 (Plugins)
A cool captcha builder
box install Captcha
Avatar v1.1 (Plugins)
A plugin that connects to to get avatar icons
box install Avatar
CFEngine v1.0 (Plugins)
A utility plugin that let's you know under what engine you are running on
box install CFEngine
File Writer v1.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that helps you write files java style
box install File-Writer
WikiText v1.3.1+14 (Modules)
A module that wraps the CodexWiki (mediawiki) engine to convert mediawiki markup to HTML
box install wikitext
Multi Domain SES v1.0 (Interceptors)
Adds the ability to use the SES interceptor of the same site on multiple domains
box install Multi-Domain-SES
SSL Support Interceptor v2.0 (Interceptors)
The SSL interceptor uses regular expressions for event pattern matches and will preserve SES urls
box install SSL-Support-Interceptor
GroovyLoader v3.0 (Plugins)
A plugin to talk to groovy in your ColdBox applications.
box install GroovyLoader
ColdBox Lookup Manager v1.1 (Projects)
A set of modules to provide dynamic scaffolding to any ColdBox application leveraging Transfer ORM
box install ColdBox-Lookup-Manager
Amazon S3 SDK v5.7.1+94 (Modules)
This SDK will provide you with Amazon S3, Digital Ocean Spaces connectivity for any ColdFusion (CFML) application.
box install s3sdk
Amazon S3 Explorer v3.0.1 (Modules)
box install s3explorer
Groovy Loader Project v3.0 (Projects)
ColdBox speaks groovy! You can script in groovy and even consume groovy classes and templates.
box install Groovy-Loader-Project
Illudium Scaffolding Templates v1.0 (Projects)
A set of scaffolding templates for ColdBox Applications using Illudium PU-36
box install Illudium-Scaffolding-Templates
ColdBox Platform Utilities v5.0.0 (CFBuilder Extensions)
An incredible ColdFusion Builder Extension
box install ColdBox-Platform-Utilities
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