MethodInjector v2.0 (Plugins)
Uses the core ColdBox MixerUtil to help you do mixins and more
box install MethodInjector
CFCViewer v3.0 (Plugins)
A CFC Introspection and Documentation Tool
box install CFCViewer
TwilioAPI v1.0 (Plugins)
A ColdBox interface to the Twilio REST API.
box install TwilioAPI
Plain Text Convertor v1.0 (Plugins)
This plugin takes html or rtf text and converts it to plain text
box install Plain-Text-Convertor
Solitary vo.1 (Modules)
Security Module
box install Solitary
Aggregator v1 (Modules)
A simple coldbox based feed aggregator
box install Aggregator
Reactor factory with autowire support v1.1 (Projects)
Automatically autowires Reactor objects
box install Reactor-factory-with-autowire-support
cbBugLog v1.1 (Plugins)
This is a simple plugin to let you monitor your Coldbox applications errors using BugLogHQ
box install cbBugLog
ColdBox Relax v4.1.1+184 (Modules) Org Package
RESTFul Tools For Lazy Experts
box install relax
PostBox v0.1 (Plugins)
A replacement for the stock MailService Plugin, sends emails using service.
box install PostBox
Google URL Shortener v2.0 (Plugins)
An interface to google URL Shortener service
box install Google-URL-Shortener
Recaptcha v1.0 (Plugins)
A Google Recaptcha plugin
box install GoogleRecaptcha
Coldbox JQueryUI Plugin v1.1 (Plugins)
Handles JQueryUI 1.8 (core)JS dependencies and CSS links
box install Coldbox-JQueryUI-Plugin
Coldbox Required Form Fields v1 (Plugins)
This simple plugin for Coldbox validates required form fields and ensures that they are not blank
box install Coldbox-Required-Form-Fields
Simple CSS Progress Bar v1.0 (Plugins)
Quickly render a simple progress bar using this plugin
box install Simple-CSS-Progress-Bar
Image Carousel v1.0 (Plugins)
A simple image carousel using JQuery Tools
box install Image-Carousel
A-to-Z Browse/Paging Plugin v1 (Plugins)
A plugin for A-to-Z browse style paging
box install A-to-Z-Paging
Half-SASS v.01 (Projects)
Partial SASS implementation written in CF
box install Half-SASS
ColdBox Interceptor - Environment Safe Mail Service v1.0.1 (Interceptors)
An Interceptor that overrides the mailService to Provide Development Safe MailService
box install ColdBox-Interceptor---Environment-Safe-Mail-Service
Reserved Routes v1 (Interceptors)
Generates a CB setting of reserved routes from the routes config file.
box install Reserved-Routes
JSMin Compressor v4.0 (Plugins)
A js/css/less compressor with caching goodness
box install JSMin-Compressor
Bitly URL Shortener v1.0 (Plugins)
An interface to the URL shortener service
box install Bitly-URL-Shortener
ForgeBox API REST Wrapper v2.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that talks to the ForgeBox REST API
box install ForgeBox-API-REST-Wrapper
RecordPaging v2.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that helps you build paging based on a query recordset
box install RecordPaging
Text Differencing Engine v1.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that can help you diff text and report it for you
box install Text-Differencing-Engine
Captcha v1.0 (Plugins)
A cool captcha builder
box install Captcha
Avatar v1.1 (Plugins)
A plugin that connects to to get avatar icons
box install Avatar
CFEngine v1.0 (Plugins)
A utility plugin that let's you know under what engine you are running on
box install CFEngine
File Writer v1.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that helps you write files java style
box install File-Writer
WikiText v1.3.1+14 (Modules)
A module that wraps the CodexWiki (mediawiki) engine to convert mediawiki markup to HTML
box install wikitext
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