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Bootstrap, from Twitter

v1.0 ContentBox Themes
Bootstrap, from Twitter - Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions

Learn more:

* Note:  This theme implementation into ContentBox is a work in-progress.  If anyone would like to collaborate to implement more of the Bootstrap layouts, components, css, JS, or create widgets based on Bootstrap, please contact me. 


Drop the 'bootstrap' folder into your modules/contentbox-ui/layouts folder within your ContentBox enabled application, or load the new theme as a zip inside the ContentBox admin.
1.0 - February 15, 2014
- initial theme upload

$ box install Bootstrap-from-Twitter

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5.00 / 7
  • {{ getFullDate("2012-02-15T03:04:29Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2016-06-09T16:21:40Z") }}
  • 6,670
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