BugLogHQ v2.1.1 (Modules)
A module to send bug reports to BugLogHQ by Oscar Arevalo
box install bugloghq
Weather By IP v1.1.0 (Modules)
Look up local weather by IP address.
box install weather-lookup-by-ip
ColdBox Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) v3.1.0+16 (Modules)
A module that protects you against CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attacks by generating unique FORM/client tokens
box install cbcsrf
Sticker v1.3.3+0000042 (Modules)
Sticker is a per-request static asset inclusion tool for the Lucee language. Its aim is to create a simple and consistent API for including JavaScript and CSS assets from multiple sources.
box install sticker
ContentBox Modular CMS - Module v6.0.5+8 (Modules)
A Modular Content Management System. This installs the module edition only (no installer)
box install contentbox
ColdBox i18n and Localization v3.2.0+12 (Modules)
This module will enhance your ColdBox applications with i18n capabilities, java/json resource bundles and localization.
box install cbi18n
ColdBox ORM Extensions v4.5.0+2 (Modules)
Enhances the ColdFusion ORM with tons of utilities.
box install cborm
ColdBox Validation v4.4.0+26 (Modules) Org Package
This module provides server side validation to ColdBox applications with localization and i18n support
box install cbvalidation
ColdBox IOC Integration v1.1.0 (Modules)
Integrate third-party dependency injection into any ColdBox Application
box install cbioc
ColdBox Mail Services v2.8.0+1 (Modules) Org Package
The ColdBox Mail services module will allow you to send email the OO and fluent way in multiple protocols
box install cbmailservices
CBStorages v3.1.0+1 (Modules)
Provides a collection of facade storages for ColdFusion and distributed caching
box install cbstorages
ColdBox Security v3.4.3+5 (Modules)
This module provides a robust security engine for ColdBox applications.
box install cbsecurity
ColdBox SOAP Webservices v1.0.0 (Modules)
A nice module to help you interact with SOAP web services
box install cbsoap
MessageBox v4.0.0+58 (Modules)
A nice producer of flash scoped based messages that's skinnable
box install cbmessagebox
CBFeeds v2.0.0+2 (Modules)
A nice way to consume and produce RSS,ATOM feeds the ColdBox way!
box install cbfeeds
AntiSamy v2.1.0+1 (Modules)
OWASP AntiSamy Project that provides XSS cleanup operations to ColdBox applications
box install cbantisamy
JavaLoader v2.1.1+8 (Modules)
A module to class load, compile and do much more with Java
box install cbjavaloader
BCrypt v3.1.0+4 (Modules) Org Package
A ColdBox module for BCrypt. Creates cryptographically strong (and slow) password hashes.
box install BCrypt
Akismet SDK v2.0.0 (Modules)
This SDK allows you to add Akismet capabilities to your ColdFusion (CFML) applications
box install cfakismet
Couchbase CacheBox Provider Module for Coldbox v3.2.2+26 (Modules)
A ColdBox module that allows you to connect CacheBox to a Couchbase NoSQL Cluster
box install couchbase-cachebox-provider
JavaScript Defer v2.0 (Modules)
A nifty interceptor to move JS blocks to the bottom of your page
box install JavaScript-Defer
GeoLocation By IP v3.0.0+16 (Modules)
Look up and cache a user's countryCode, countryName, regionName, cityName, , zipCode, latitude, longitude, and timeZone by IP address.
box install GeoLocation-lookup-by-IP
Business Logic Scanner v1 (Modules)
Searches all views and handlers for queries to help you find misplaced business logic
box install Business-Logic-Scanner
REST vBeta (Modules)
A REST module for Coldbox MVC Framework
box install REST
Pusher Monitor & LogBox Appender v1.1.1 (Modules)
Pusher Monitor & LogBox Appender
box install nsg-module-pusher
Line Break Scanner v1.1 (Modules)
A ColdBox module to scan the kinds of line breaks your code uses.
box install Line-Break-Scanner
cbForum (coming soon) vdevmodule (Modules)
A place holder for a forum module
box install cbForum
ColdBox FileBrowser v1.8 (Modules)
An awesome file browser and manager.
box install FileBrowser
openSRS v1.1.2 (Modules)
Find and purchase domain names via openSRS.com
box install openSRS
Quick Docs v1.0 (Modules)
A quick way to search the API docs
box install Quick-Docs
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Package Types