Wunderlist API v1.0.0 (Modules)
This is a ColdFusion Wrapper written to interact with the Wunderlist API.
box install wunderlist
cbFacebookSdk v1.1.0 (Modules)
ColdBox module to interact with Facebook api
box install cbFacebookSdk
JSONPrettyPrint v1.4.2 (Modules)
Pretty print JSON objects
box install JSONPrettyPrint
Oxford Dictionary API v1.0.0 (Modules)
This is a ColdFusion Wrapper written to interact with the Oxford Dictionary API.
box install oxforddictionary
normalizeToArray v1.0.3 (Modules)
Normalize any value to an array
box install normalizeToArray
cbgithub v0.3.0 (Modules)
A CFML Wrapper around the GitHub API optimized for ColdBox
box install cbgithub
geoip v1.1.0 (Modules)
GeoIp Service for maxmind GeoLite2 Free
box install ColdboxGeoIp
cborm-versioning v1.0.2 (Modules)
Version any orm entity for easy rollbacks
box install cborm-versioning
Encoding Utility v1.0.3 (Modules)
A utility to assist in resolving character encoding issues.
box install encoding-utility
cors v3.0.9 (Modules)
Add CORS headers to your app in one module
box install cors
JSONToRC v1.0.3 (Modules)
box install JSONToRC
CFConfig Services v2.3.2 (Modules)
A library to read/write/store CF engine configs. This project is just the service layer, not the CLI component.
box install cfconfig-services
Adobe Pasword Util v1.0.8 (Modules)
A utility to manage passwords for Adobe server installs.
box install adobe-password-util
Lucee Pasword Util v1.0.3 (Modules)
A utility to manage passwords for Lucee and Railo server installs.
box install lucee-password-util
oauth2.cfc v0.1.0 (Modules)
An oAuth2 Consumer Component for CF
box install oauth2cfc
PropertyFile Util v1.3.2 (Modules)
A library for managing Java property files
box install propertyFile
Socialite v1.3.3 (Modules)
An oauth2 module to perform social login
box install socialite
qb v11.0.3 (Modules)
A query builder for the rest of us
box install qb
redirectBack v2.0.2 (Modules)
Caches the last request in the flash scope to give easy redirects back
box install redirectBack
cbauth v6.1.0 (Modules)
Authentication services for ColdBox Applications.
box install cbauth
MockDataCFC v4.0.0+2 (Modules)
MockData is a service to generate fake JSON data via command line arguments, CFC calls or embedded RESTFul service
box install mockdatacfc
cbsvg v4.0.0 (Modules)
box install cbsvg
cbRedis v1.0.0+17 (Modules)
Redis Provider Module for Coldbox/Cachebox
box install cbredis
cbMemcached v1.0.1+11 (Modules)
Memcached Provider Module for Coldbox/Cachebox
box install cbmemcached
cbSwagger v3.1.2+13 (Modules)
A Coldbox Module which automatically generates api documentation from your configured SES routes
box install cbSwagger
swagger-sdk v3.0.0+25 (Modules)
The Swagger Software Development Kit for the Coldbox Platform
box install swagger-sdk
CFCollection v3.7.0 (Modules)
An array wrapper for functional programming
box install cfcollection
ColdBox Pagination v1.0.0 (Modules)
This library is for easily creating paginated screens in a ColdBox app.
box install cbpagination
Globber v3.1.5 (Modules)
I am a utility to match file system path patterns.
box install globber
Semantic Version v1.2.8 (Modules)
This is a library that implements npm-style semantic versioning for CFML.
box install semver
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