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v4.0.0+58 Modules

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The MessageBox module is a very small but super useful UI module that allows you to create informative HTML message boxes by leveraging ColdBox's Flash RAM to save messages across relocations. You can even save an array of metadata alongside the message and use it for custom rendering or any type of purposes.

Message Types

The supported message types are:

  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • success
  • dark
  • light

Please note that you can skin these types as you see fit by either overriding the css tyles or creating your own messagebox cfm template.


Apache License, Version 2.0.


  • Lucee 5+
  • ColdFusion 2016+


Just drop into your modules folder or use CommandBox to install

box install cbmessagebox

WireBox Mappings

The module registers the MessageBox model: messagebox@cbmessagebox that you can use to emit messages. Check out the API Docs for all the possible functions.


The module also registers a helper mixin: cbMessagebox() that you can use in your handlers, interceptors, layouts and views to emit or render messages.


You can use the MessageBox as is with the current skin or use the functions or settings to overide styles and skinning template. You must place the settings in your ColdBox.cfc file under the moduleSettings.cbMessagebox struct:

moduleSettings = {

	cbMessagebox = {
		/// The default HTMl template for emitting the messages, this can include or not the .cfm and be 
		// an include path.
		template 		= "/includes/templates/messagebox",
		// Override the internal styles, true to override
		styleOverride 	= false


You can find all the methods in our API Docs:

All methods that accept a message argument can accept either a string or an array of messages to store and render. You can also pass in an optional separator argument which will be used to join the messages with. The default separator is a <br> tag.

Methods for setting messages:

  • info( message, separator='<br>' ) : To render info message directly
  • warning( message, separator='<br>' ) : To render a warning message
  • error( message, separator='<br>' ) : To render an error message
  • success( message, separator='<br>' ) : To render a success message
  • dark( message, separator='<br>' ) : To render a dark background message
  • light( message, separator='<br>' ) : To render a light background message
  • setMessage( type, message, separator='<br>' ) : Set a message according to passed type

Methods for manipulating messages:

  • append( message, defaultType="info", separator='<br>' ) : To append messages
  • prepend( messageArray, defaultType="info", separator='<br>' ) : To prepend messages
  • getMessage() : Get a structure of the message data: { type, message, timestamp }
  • clearMessage() : To clear the current message
  • isEmptyMessage() : Verify if you have any messages

Metadata addition to messages:

  • addData( key, value ) : Add name-value pairs of metadata to the flash structure as metadata for messages
  • putData( array theData ) : Incorporate an array of metadata to the flash structure
  • getData( clearData=true ) : Get the metadata structure
  • getDataJSON( clearData=true ) : To get the metadata as JSON

Rendering methods:

  • renderit( clearMessage=true, template ) : To render the messagebox in the default template or passed template
  • renderMessage( type, message, separator='<br>', template ) : To render an a-la-carte messagebox with the default template or passed template


<h1>MessageBox Renderit</h1>


<h1>MessageBox Renderit With Template</h1>
<cfset cbMessageBox().info( "Rendering a custom template" )>
#cbMessageBox().renderIt( template : "/includes/messagebox" )#


<h1>MessageBox Direct Render</h1>
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "success", "I am success! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>" )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "info", "I am info! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>" )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "warn", "I am warn! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>" )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "error", "I am error! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>" )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "dark", "I am a dark alert! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>" )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "light", "I am a light alert! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>" )#


<h1>Message Arrays</h1>
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "success", [
	"I am success! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>",
	"I love being successful!"
]  )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "info", [
	"I am info! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>",
	"I love being info!"
]  )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "warn", [
	"I am warn! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>",
	"I love being warnful!"
]  )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "error", [
	"I am error! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>",
	"I love being errorful!"
]  )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "dark", [
	"I am dark! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>",
	"I love being darkful!"
]  )#
#cbMessageBox().renderMessage( "light", [
	"I am light! I <a href='##'>am a link</a>",
	"I love being lightful!"
]  )#

Important: Please note that the MessageBox module leverages the FlashRAM and all messages are cleared for you automatically after rendering. You can delay that if you use the clearMessage=false argument.

MessageBox Custom Templates

The MessageBox module will render out the MessageBox HTML according to our standards. However, we all know the developers are picky beings and very individualistic. Therefore, we allow the usage of your own templates for rendering out the MessageBox. You can do this by using the custom settings in your ColdBox.cfc configuration file or pass in the template via the template argument.

messagebox = {
    // The default HTMl template for emitting the messages
	template 		= "/cbmessagebox/views/MessageBox",
    // Override the internal styles, true to override
	styleOverride 	= false

The template can then be written:

	switch( msgStruct.type ){
		case "info" : {
			local.cssType = " alert-info";
			local.iconType = "icon-info-sign";
		case "error" : {
			local.cssType = " alert-error";
			local.iconType = "icon-minus-sign";
		default : {
			local.cssType = "";
			local.iconType = "icon-warning-sign";
<div class="alert#local.cssType#" style="min-height: 38px">
	<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
	<i class="#local.iconType# icon-large icon-2x pull-left"></i> #msgStruct.message#

You can also ignore the global setting and use the template argument via the renderIt() and renderMessage() methods:

#cbMessageBox().renderMessage(type="info", message="Hello", template=path)#

Utility Methods

The plugin also sports some convenience methods:

  • getMessage() : Retrieve the raw message structure
  • clearMessage() : Clear the Flash RAM
  • isEmptyMessage() : Verify if we have messages to show

Custom Metadata

You can also store custom metadata alongside your custom messages. This is great for storing any type of information you might need again back when rendering the messages. For this we have the following methods:

  • putData(array data) : Add an array of data that can be used for arbitrary stuff
  • addData(key, value) : Store key-value pairs of metadata alongside the message
  • getData([clearData=true]) : Get your array of data back
  • getDataJSON([clearData=true]) : Get your array of data back as JSON

Custom CSS

If you want to style your own MessageBox you will need to use the styleOverride messagebox settings in your ColdBox.cfc. Then make sure the CSS for the MessageBox exists in the request, usually in your main CSS file or layout:

messagebox = {
    // Override the internal styles, true to override
	styleOverride 	= true

Important : Please note that the MessageBox model has getters/setters for all of its properties so you can manipulate its instance data.

Copyright Since 2005 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp


Because of His grace, this project exists. If you don't like this, then don't read it, its not for you.

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. ." Romans 5:5


"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me (JESUS)" Jn 14:1-12


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.0.0] => 2021-MAR-11


  • The message argument can now be a string or an array
  • Added the new prepend() method instead of the prependArray
  • Updated changelog to new changelog standard
  • Upgraded to new ColdBox 5 module standards COMPATIBILITY
  • New formatting and linting rules
  • New packages scripts for build process
  • A lot more scenarios to our test specs



  • The messageArray argument is now deprecated in favor of passing either a string or array to the message argument and simplifying the API


  • appendArray() dropped in favor of multi type argument
  • prependArray() dropped in favor of multi type argument
  • Dropped ACF11 and Lucee4.5 Support
  • Dropped ColdBox 4 support


  • Added new helper mixins, you can now invoke it via cbMessageBox()


  • Updated location protocol for download


  • Patch for not sending styles to headers to avoid collisions on test modes


  • Update to new module layout
  • Adding support for success alert message boxes. Updating throw details to correct inconsistency ( thanks to @zakarym
  • Removed legacy icons and left just messageboxes with modern css styles
  • Added new messagebox type: dark for a nice dark tone
  • Update all css to more modern look and feel


  • Updates to unified workbench
  • Fixes on warning messages showing as infos


  • New function hasMessageType returns true if the messagebox has a message of the specified type.
  • Fix on getData() to clear the message correctly.
  • Travis updates

[2.1.0 ]

  • Travis updates
  • DocBox Updates
  • Build Process updates


  • Updated build process to use new DocBox
  • Updated build process to leverage CommandBox for dependencies
  • Fixes missing template exception when modules directory is not in root
  • Migrated to pure script
  • Updated void functions to return MessageBox for chaining.
  • Made default types changeable via prepend and append array methods
  • Change all internal instance properties to accessible getter/setter properties. This will allow for overriding of all internal state variables


  • Create first module version

$ box install cbmessagebox

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  • {{ getFullDate("2014-04-22T11:14:11Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2021-03-11T22:21:38Z") }}
  • 11,140
  • 118,803