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ColdBox Mail Services

v2.8.0+1 Modules

Welcome to the ColdBox Mail Services => (cbmailservices)

Sending email doesn't have to be complicated or archaic or sad 😭. The ColdBox Mail Services (cbmailservices) module will allow you to send email in a fluent and abstracted way in multiple protocols for many environments in a single cohesive API, which will bring you smiles 😍, rainbows 🌈 and unicorns 🦄!. The supported protocols are:

CFMailTraditional sending via the cfmail tag.
FileSends mails to a location on disk as .html files.
InMemoryStore email mementos in an array. Perfect for testing.
NullIgnores emails send to it!
MailGunSends mail via the Mailgun API Services (
PostmarkSend via the PostMark API Service (

It also sports tons of useful features for mail sending:

  • Async Mail
  • Mail Queues
  • Mail merging of variables
  • Mail attachments, headers and parameters
  • View and Layout+View rendering for mail
  • Mail tracking
  • Multiple mailers
  • Success and Error callbacks
  • Mailable@cbmailservices delegate for adding mailing traits to objects.
  • So Much More!

Note: One of the features is the ability to queue emails for asynchronous (non-blocking) sending. This is done via a task runner which is on by default. This feature can be turned off, if desired, by these steps:

  1. Open config/coldbox.cfc

  2. In the modulesSettings section, add a key for cbmailServices with the property runQueueTask set to false.

moduleSettings = {
	cbmailServices : {
		runQueueTask: false

View the documentation at


Apache License, Version 2.0.


  • Lucee 5+
  • ColdFusion 2018+

Copyright Since 2005 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp


Because of His grace, this project exists. If you don't like this, then don't read it, its not for you.

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. ." Romans 5:5


"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me (JESUS)" Jn 14:1-12


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


2.8.0 - 2023-09-13


  • Github Support Files
  • Github Action Updates
  • ColdBox 7 Auto Testing
  • New start:fakemail command to start FakeSMTP for testing
  • Addded fake smtp server for testing on the harness
  • Skipping of parsing tokens if the mail type is template to avoid complex data in the send-grip protocol

[v2.7.1] => 2023-FEB-14


[v2.7.0] => 2023-JAN-16

A big thanks to @richardherbert for all the updates in this release.


  • FIXED var scoping of attachments variable
  • Updated to handle a response that is not JSON
  • 🐛 FIX: Update GHA to avoid deprecated syntax


  • Added test for MAILGUN_BASEURL property
  • Updated to make MAILGUN_APIURL optional
  • Added support for Mailgun EU region by making MAILGUN_APIURL an optional property with as the default.


  • Updated all GHA actions to latest versions and moved to use temurin Java distributions from adopt due to deprecation of the service.

[v2.6.2] => 2022-DEC-20


  • If the incoming layout arugment for the setView() method in the mail is empty, it should ignore it.

[v2.6.1] => 2022-NOV-21


  • Less verbosity for the mail queue log

[v2.6.0] => 2022-NOV-15


  • New ColdBox 7 delegate Mailable@cbmailservices so you can easily add mailing capabilities to objects

[v2.5.1] => 2022-NOV-1


  • Fixing asset version

[v2.5.0] => 2022-OCT-19


  • More updates of injections to generic box instead of coldbox.

[v2.4.0] => 2022-AUG-20


  • Updated injections to generic box instead of coldbox.

[v2.3.1] => 2022-AUG-04


  • Fix github action

[v2.3.0] => 2022-AUG-04


  • Fixed build process so it doesn't include box.bin in the final artifact.

[v2.2.0] => 2022-JUN-06


  • Added mailgun protocol to available mail protocols @scottsteinbeck

[v2.1.0] => 2022-MAY-17


  • Ability for the preMailSend event to influence the mail record thanks to @gpickin
  • Getters only work if there is a variables.config key in existence. Add reasonable defaults for commonly accessed mail fields
  • New module setting: runQueueTask which is defaulted to true. If false it will not run the mail queue task in the background

[v2.0.4] => 2022-FEB-09


  • -snapshot left on the box.json


  • Github actions standards via new module template
  • Reusable Workflows

[v2.0.3] => 2021-NOV-17


  • Fix for Default-Settings overwrites Mail-Bean Payload

[v2.0.2] => 2021-NOV-17


  • Fixed getFileMimeType() so postmark attachments can work. Thanks to @garciadev

[v2.0.1] => 2021-NOV-12


  • BOX-119 CBMailService - Setting the defaultProtocol in moduleSettings to something other than default gets ignored

[v2.0.0] => 2021-NOV-08


  • COMPATIBILITY : Settings are now using ColdBox 5 module approach of moduleSettings.cbmailservices instead of a root key element called cbmailservices. Make sure you update your settings and move them to modulesettings.cbmailservices
  • COMPATIBILITY : Changed all arguments called default to defaultValue to avoid ACF issues with the parser
  • Mail object config() renamed to configure()
  • The return results structure from the protocols errorArray has been renamed to just messages as it can contain warnings, information messages as well as error messages
  • PostmarkAPI result returns MessageID instead of message_id now.


  • Ability for the mail payload to render the body from a view or a view/layout combination using the setView() method.
  • New ability to queue mail for sending using the async scheduler for the module and the new queue() method
  • New asynchronous mail sending via sendAsync() which returns a ColdBox Future
  • New mixin helper: newMail() so you can get access to send mails easily in handlers and interceptors.
  • In order to run and validate SMPT tests, we now use FakeSMTP as a container located in /test-harnes/tests/resources/docker-compose.yml. This will send mail to disk for us when testing smtp. If you want to run the tests on your machine, you will need to startup the container.
  • Every protocol now has a log LogBox logger configured object thanks to the AbstractProtocol.
  • Every protocol gets a name property now for a numan readable name thanks to the AbstractProtocol.
  • Mail object now can send itself via the new send() method which delegates to the service, but provides a nice sending DSL.
  • Mail object now has dynamic getters and setters for ALL configuration objects.
  • You can now use aliases to build out any of the core protocols: CFMail, File, InMemory, Null or Postmark instead of the full path.
  • You can now use a wirebox id or class path as the protocol class apart from the core protocols.
  • Added ability for the getProperty( property, defaultValue ) method on the abstract protocol to have a default value.
  • Migration to script of all core items.
  • Migration to github actions.
  • Adobe 2021 Support.
  • Modernization of all source code.


  • MailSettingsBean removed in favor of a more cohesive MailService
  • protocol setting removed in favor of multiple mailers approach and defaultProtocol usage. Please see docs.
  • Adobe ColdFusion 2016 Support.

[v1.6.0] => 2021-FEB-22


  • Two new protocols: NullProtocol, InMemoryProtocol
    • The NullProtocol ignores all calls to it.
    • The InMemoryProtocol stores mail mementos in an internal array. This can be useful for testing to check that mail was sent. It also includes a handle hasMessage method which takes a predicate callback and checks it against each sent mail. A reset method is included for use inside tests.
  • New CI updates and code quality systems
  • New updates for ColdBox 6

[v1.5.0] => 2019-NOV-12

New Features

  • Added a fromName to the Mail bean to track names due to some protocols allowing it
  • The module will register two interception points. PreMailSend and PostMailSend


  • New module layout
  • Removed unecessary routing endpoint


  • Var scoping issue


  • Fixes incorrect argument collection nesting on protocol registration


  • Auto create folder paths in FileProtocol if they do not exist


  • Updated to use module templating
  • Proposed additionalInfo data struct for provider specific implementations. Added a couple of helper methods :
  • Updated to leverage WireBox for object creations instead of internal new and createobjects


  • Fix on date formatting on file protocol thanks to @elpete
  • Fix for type inclusion on the file protocol thanks to @elpete


  • Travis integration
  • DocBox updates
  • Build process updates


  • Updated build process
  • Updated readme and instructions


  • Create first module version

$ box install cbmailservices

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5.00 / 4
  • {{ getFullDate("2014-04-30T20:24:43Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2023-09-13T13:13:14Z") }}
  • 18,191
  • 177,919