CommandBox Ngrok v2.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Commands to share the current server via ngrok
box install box-ngrok
cbMeilisearch v1.1.0 (Modules)
API wrapper for Meilisearch
box install cbmeilisearch
Delivery Observation Gadget (DOG) v0.6.1 (Modules)
A ColdFusion tracking API client for Fedex and UPS. Fetch your shipment's information easily!
box install dog
Preside extension - Maysoft quick filter v1.0.10 (Preside Extensions)
Use annotation in preside object to declare quick filter to replace advanced filter of an object
box install preside-ext-maysoft-quick-filter
xmlTool v1.0 (Modules)
A simple package used for casting XML to structs and JSON.
box install xmlTool
mixr v2.0.0 (Modules)
Mixr is a simple, yet flexible static asset helper for Coldbox applications
box install mixr
ip v1.0.1 (Modules)
A package to retrieve information for a given ip and subnet
box install ip
Nap Time v1.0.2 (Modules)
The laziest app you've ever used. Guaranteed, or your money back.
box install nap-time
ColdBox Relax v4.1.1+184 (Modules) Org Package
RESTFul Tools For Lazy Experts
box install relax
CBWIRE v4.1.5 (Modules)
Become a dev hero with CBWIRE! CBWIRE is a ColdBox module that helps you build modern, reactive, single-page CFML applications in record time, without using much JavaScript or building backend APIs.
box install cbwire
Simple CSS Progress Bar v1.0 (Plugins)
Quickly render a simple progress bar using this plugin
box install Simple-CSS-Progress-Bar
File Listing v1.1 (ContentBox Widgets)
Sweet ContentBox Widget for listing out files in a specified directory.
box install cbwidget-filelisting
Sparkling v1.0.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Sparkling theme for ContentBox
box install Sparkling
Captcha v1.0 (Plugins)
A cool captcha builder
box install Captcha
ContentBox Google Prettify v2.0.0 (ContentBox Modules)
TThis module allows you to add Akismet capabilities to your ContentBox CMS
box install Google-Prettify
Contactor v1.1 (ContentBox Modules)
A module to load a Contactor plugin and let your guests send you a message for ContentBox
box install Contactor
Solitary vo.1 (Modules)
Security Module
box install Solitary
cborm-versioning v1.0.2 (Modules)
Version any orm entity for easy rollbacks
box install cborm-versioning
SSL Support Interceptor v2.0 (Interceptors)
The SSL interceptor uses regular expressions for event pattern matches and will preserve SES urls
box install SSL-Support-Interceptor
JavaScript Defer v2.0 (Modules)
A nifty interceptor to move JS blocks to the bottom of your page
box install JavaScript-Defer
JSMin Compressor v4.0 (Plugins)
A js/css/less compressor with caching goodness
box install JSMin-Compressor
ColdBox Platform Utilities v5.0.0 (CFBuilder Extensions)
An incredible ColdFusion Builder Extension
box install ColdBox-Platform-Utilities
ColdBox Platform v7.3.0+16 (MVC)
A conventions based HMVC development framework
box install coldbox
Half-SASS v.01 (Projects)
Partial SASS implementation written in CF
box install Half-SASS
Bootswatch v1.2 (ContentBox Themes)
Twitter Bootstrap enabled layout with Bootswatch theming capabilities
box install cblayouts-bootswatch
ContentBox Theme - Gator v1.2.0+19 (ContentBox Themes)
An official ContentBox 3.0 theme
box install cbtheme-gator
ColdBox FileBrowser v1.8 (Modules)
An awesome file browser and manager.
box install FileBrowser
Maintenance Mode v1 (Interceptors)
Places the set of events based on the JSON rules file in maintenance mode
box install Maintenance-Mode
Form Builder v2.0 (ContentBox Modules)
A cool form builder for ContentBox
box install ContentBox-FormBuilder-Module
Illudium Scaffolding Templates v1.0 (Projects)
A set of scaffolding templates for ColdBox Applications using Illudium PU-36
box install Illudium-Scaffolding-Templates
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