CFCouchbase SDK v3.0.2+47 (Modules)
A CFML Library for interacting with Couchbase NoSQL Server
box install cfcouchbase
Coldbox Required Form Fields v1 (Plugins)
This simple plugin for Coldbox validates required form fields and ensures that they are not blank
box install Coldbox-Required-Form-Fields
SyntaxHighlighter v1.0 (ContentBox Widgets)
A Widget to use that uses the SyntaxHighlighter project to format your code
box install cbwidget-syntaxhighlighter
ColdBox Pagination v1.0.0 (Modules)
This library is for easily creating paginated screens in a ColdBox app.
box install cbpagination
Reserved Routes v1 (Interceptors)
Generates a CB setting of reserved routes from the routes config file.
box install Reserved-Routes
Mailchimp List v1.0.0 (Projects)
A simple wrapper around some of MailChimp's List API.
box install Mailchimp-List
sendgrid-cfml v1.0.0 (Modules)
CFML wrapper library and ColdBox module for SendGrid's Web API
box install sendgrid-cfml
File Writer v1.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that helps you write files java style
box install File-Writer
cbForum (coming soon) vdevmodule (Modules)
A place holder for a forum module
box install cbForum
FusionReactor v12.1.1 (Projects)
FusionReactor 12.1.1 jar and debug libraries. See
box install FusionReactor
CBStreams v2.2.0+2 (Modules)
The CFML implementation of Java Streams
box install cbstreams
CFConfig CLI v2.1.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CLI library for importing, exporting, transferring, and otherwise managing CF engine configuration.
box install commandbox-cfconfig
MockDataCFC v4.0.0+2 (Modules)
MockData is a service to generate fake JSON data via command line arguments, CFC calls or embedded RESTFul service
box install mockdatacfc
PropertyFile Util v1.3.2 (Modules)
A library for managing Java property files
box install propertyFile
JavaLoader v2.2.0+1 (Modules)
A module to class load, compile and do much more with Java
box install cbjavaloader
CBStorages v3.3.0+3 (Modules)
Provides a collection of facade storages for ColdFusion and distributed caching
box install cbstorages
ColdBox i18n and Localization v3.3.0+1 (Modules)
This module will enhance your ColdBox applications with i18n capabilities, java/json resource bundles and localization.
box install cbi18n
JSONPrettyPrint v1.4.2 (Modules)
Pretty print JSON objects
box install JSONPrettyPrint
ColdBox Security v3.4.3+5 (Modules)
This module provides a robust security engine for ColdBox applications.
box install cbsecurity
CFConfig Services v2.3.2 (Modules)
A library to read/write/store CF engine configs. This project is just the service layer, not the CLI component.
box install cfconfig-services
Semantic Version v1.2.8 (Modules)
This is a library that implements npm-style semantic versioning for CFML.
box install semver
Mementifier : The State Maker! v3.6.0+4 (Modules)
This module creates memento/state representations from business objects
box install mementifier
ColdBox ORM Extensions v4.6.0+3 (Modules)
Enhances the ColdFusion ORM with tons of utilities.
box install cborm
Lucee Pasword Util v1.0.3 (Modules)
A utility to manage passwords for Lucee and Railo server installs.
box install lucee-password-util
Adobe Pasword Util v1.0.8 (Modules)
A utility to manage passwords for Adobe server installs.
box install adobe-password-util
ColdBox Route Visualizer v2.2.0+2 (Modules)
A nice UI module to visualize and test ColdBox Routing
box install route-visualizer
cbproxies v1.5.0+5 (Modules)
This module allows CFML apps to create dynamic proxies to core Java interfaces and preserve its environment when ran asynchronously
box install cbproxies
JWT CFML v1.2.0 (Modules)
JWT CFML is a CFML (Lucee and ColdFusion) library for using JSON Web Tokens.
box install jwt-cfml
PresideCMS Extension: Sentry error reporting v3.1.1+0000021 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-sentry
cbSwagger v3.1.2+13 (Modules)
A Coldbox Module which automatically generates api documentation from your configured SES routes
box install cbSwagger
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