Lucee Pasword Util v1.0.3 (Modules)
A utility to manage passwords for Lucee and Railo server installs.
box install lucee-password-util
Adobe Pasword Util v1.0.8 (Modules)
A utility to manage passwords for Adobe server installs.
box install adobe-password-util
ColdBox Route Visualizer v2.2.0+2 (Modules)
A nice UI module to visualize and test ColdBox Routing
box install route-visualizer
JWT CFML v1.2.1 (Modules)
JWT CFML is a CFML (Lucee and ColdFusion) library for using JSON Web Tokens.
box install jwt-cfml
cbproxies v1.5.0+5 (Modules)
This module allows CFML apps to create dynamic proxies to core Java interfaces and preserve its environment when ran asynchronously
box install cbproxies
cbSwagger v3.1.2+13 (Modules)
A Coldbox Module which automatically generates api documentation from your configured SES routes
box install cbSwagger
quick v11.1.0 (Modules)
A ColdBox ORM Engine
box install quick
ColdBox Markdown v3.7.0+2 (Modules)
ColdBox Module that provides markdown processing
box install cbmarkdown
Sentry v2.1.5+7 (Modules)
A module to log messages and send bug reports to Sentry
box install sentry
ColdBox Debugger v4.4.0+6 (Modules)
The official ColdBox debugger module
box install cbdebugger
Emoji Module v1.1.0+16 (Modules)
ColdBox library for providing emoji's to any application
box install cbemoji
ColdBox Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) v3.2.0+1 (Modules)
A module that protects you against CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attacks by generating unique FORM/client tokens
box install cbcsrf
MessageBox v4.1.0+1 (Modules)
A nice producer of flash scoped based messages that's skinnable
box install cbmessagebox
LuceeSpreadsheet v3.0.0 (Modules)
Spreadsheet Library for Lucee (and Adobe ColdFusion)
box install lucee-spreadsheet
cors v3.0.9 (Modules)
Add CORS headers to your app in one module
box install cors
swagger-sdk v3.0.0+25 (Modules)
The Swagger Software Development Kit for the Coldbox Platform
box install swagger-sdk
cbauth v6.1.0 (Modules)
Authentication services for ColdBox Applications.
box install cbauth
DotEnvSettings v1.0.0+0001 (Modules)
Read secrets from .env or other config into CB settings
box install dotenvsettings
CFFlow v0.8.0+0000052 (Modules)
box install cfflow
Elasticsearch for the Coldbox Framework v3.5.0+231 (Modules)
Elasticsearch Module for the Coldbox Framework
box install cbelasticsearch
WikiText v1.3.1+14 (Modules)
A module that wraps the CodexWiki (mediawiki) engine to convert mediawiki markup to HTML
box install wikitext
Globber v3.1.5 (Modules)
I am a utility to match file system path patterns.
box install globber
function-linenums v1.1.4 (Modules)
Utility module for computing function names from source paths and line numbers.
box install funclinenums
WireBox Visualizer v1.1.0+14 (Modules)
box install wirebox-visualizer
EHCache Provider for Cachebox v2.0.1+0000039 (Modules)
A module to add an EHCache cache provider for CacheBox
box install cbehcache
CBFeeds v2.0.0+2 (Modules)
A nice way to consume and produce RSS,ATOM feeds the ColdBox way!
box install cbfeeds
RabbitSDK v1.2.0+67 (Modules)
A CFML/ColdFusion SDK for RabbitMQ
box install rabbitsdk
CB Commons v1.1.0 (Modules)
A collection of some nice models to help with your CFML development
box install cbcommons
cbyaml v1.0.5 (Modules)
Provides easy serialization and deserialization of yaml files
box install cbyaml
commandbox-stackChecker v2.1.4 (Modules)
CommandBox Task Runner that allows you to check your local docker compose against your portainer stack file and your .env.example and validates your secrets setup
box install commandbox-stackChecker
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