eversigncfc v1.0.3 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Eversign e-signature API
box install eversigncfc
Amazon S3 SDK Explorer v1.0.0 (Modules)
Amazon S3 SDK Explorer
box install s3sdkexplorer
Test package v{VERSION_NUMBER} (Modules)
box install test-my-package
cfsojourn v0.6.0 (Modules)
Custom ColdFusion session mananagement
box install cfsojourn
whoops v2.2.3 (Modules)
Interactive debug for exceptions in ColdBox
box install whoops
Dupify v1.0.4 (Modules)
File duplicator for testing
box install dupify
ColdBox Relax v4.1.1+184 (Modules) Org Package
RESTFul Tools For Lazy Experts
box install relax
cfalgolia v0.6.6 (Modules)
API client for algolia.com
box install cfalgolia
cftwilio v0.5.6 (Modules)
API client for twilio.com
box install cftwilio
CB Breadcrumb v1.1.0 (Modules)
Automatically generate breadcrumb data and HTML in your ColdBox application, using the Routing table.
box install CBBreadcrumb
SafeXmlParse v1.0.1 (Modules)
A simple XML parser implementation that returns identical response to XmlParse.
box install safexmlparse
SunCalc v1.0.0 (Modules)
SunCalc is a tiny library for calculating sun position, sunlight phases, sunrise, sunset, dusk, etc.
box install SunCalc
Lucee OsgiLoader v1.0.0 (Modules)
A simple tool for installing OSGi bundles dynamically in Lucee
box install lucee-osgiloader
cfml-weighted-round-robin v1.0.0 (Modules)
Round-robin elements based on assigned weights.
box install weightedroundrobin
cfshipstation v0.9.4 (Modules)
API client for shipstation.com
box install cfshipstation
cfrecaptcha v0.5.7 (Modules)
API client for Google Recaptcha v2
box install cfrecaptcha
cfcrudgen v0.8.7 (Modules)
Custom ColdFusion CRUD tool
box install cfcrudgen
cfvalid v1.0.9 (Modules)
Input validation made awesome
box install cfvalid
cfavatax v0.2.6 (Modules)
API client for avalara.com
box install cfavatax
cfamazonproductad v1.4.6 (Modules)
API client for amazon product advertising api
box install cfamazonproductad
maven-client v0.0.2 (Modules)
Maven repository client written in CFML
box install maven-client
Amazon SNS SDK v1.0.0+13 (Modules)
This SDK will provide you with Amazon SNS connectivity for any ColdFusion (CFML) application.
box install snssdk
Utrust CFML v1.0.1 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for the Utrust Crypto Payments API
box install UtrustCFML
JEST Java Native Client for the cbElasticsearch Module v1.0.0 (Modules)
Elasticsearch Module for the Coldbox Framework
box install cbelasticsearch-jest
cffeedly v0.3.4 (Modules)
API client for feedly.com
box install cffeedly
cfwalmart v0.5.9 (Modules)
API client for walmart marketplace
box install cfwalmart
cftrevco v0.7.5 (Modules)
API client for trevco b2b
box install cftrevco
cftinypng v0.8.1 (Modules)
API client for tinypng.com
box install cftinypng
cftmdb v0.6.10 (Modules)
API client for themoviedb.org
box install cftmdb
cfshopify v0.5.8 (Modules)
API client for shopify.com
box install cfshopify
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