Couchbase CacheBox Provider Module for Coldbox v3.2.2+26 (Modules)
A ColdBox module that allows you to connect CacheBox to a Couchbase NoSQL Cluster
box install couchbase-cachebox-provider
cbadmin-vue-argon v0.0.3 (Modules)
A vue-based UI implementation for the cbadmin extension.
box install cbadmin-vue-argon
cbadmin v0.0.6 (Modules)
This module provides a JWT-secured, back-end API for user, role and permission management, intended for ColdBox applications.
box install cbadmin
ColdBox SOAP Webservices v1.0.0 (Modules)
A nice module to help you interact with SOAP web services
box install cbsoap
LuceeSpreadsheet v3.0.0 (Modules)
Spreadsheet Library for Lucee (and Adobe ColdFusion)
box install lucee-spreadsheet
REST over STOMP v1.0.6 (Modules)
A module to expose your REST API over STOMP websockets using RabbitMQ
box install rest-over-stomp
Taffy v3.1.0 (Modules)
box install Taffy
AlphaVantage v1.0.3 (Modules)
CFML wrapper for the AlphaVantage API.
box install alphavantage
FinnHub v1.0.2 (Modules)
CFML wrapper for the FinnHub API.
box install finnhub
Royal Mail UK Click & Drop CFML v0.1.0 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for the UK Royal Mail Click & Drop web service
box install RMClickDropCFML
browserlesscfc v0.5.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the browserless API. Control web browser automation for screenshots, pdf generation, testing, and more.
box install browserlesscfc
cbLivewire v1.0.0-snapshot (Modules)
ColdBox + Livewire
box install cbLivewire
DHL Parcel UK CFML v0.1.2 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for the DHL Parcel UK web service
box install dhl-parcel-uk-cfml
DPD UK CFML v0.3.1 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for the DPD UK API
box install dpdukcfml
cbSpur v1.0.0 (Modules)
Implements Api for Coldbox Coldfusion
box install cbSpur
cbDeepl v1.0.2 (Modules)
Implements Deepl Translation Api
box install cbDeepl
swearjar v1.5.0 (Modules)
A CFML profanity detection and filtering component library
box install swearjar
file-upload-helper v1.1.1 (Modules)
A helper for processing uploaded files.
box install file-upload-helper
FRAPISDK v1.0.4 (Modules)
A simple CFML library for some common FRAPI functions.
box install FRAPISDK
JMESPath v2.4.0 (Modules)
An JMESPath port for Coldfusion. A query language for JSON
box install jmespath
userstackcfc v1.0.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the userstack API. Lookup and parse user-agent strings.
box install userstackcfc
CBMongoDB for Coldbox v3.5.0.1+132 (Modules)
A Coldbox Module and Virtual Entity Service for MongoDB
box install cbmongodb
appStartupReporter v1.4.0 (Modules)
Report App Startup information to Sentry for ColdBox Apps
box install appStartupReporter
TowerData Coldbox Module v1.0.1+0001 (Modules)
A ColdBox Module for using the TowerData email validation API.
box install towerdata
Numverify API Module v1.0.0+0002 (Modules)
A ColdBox module for interacting with the Numverify phone verification API
box install numverify-new
cbi18n JSON ResourceService v1.0.0 (Modules)
JSON language resources for cbi18n
box install cbi18n-json-resources
cfchannel v0.1.3 (Modules)
MPSC channel implementation in CFML
box install cfchannel
versionHeader v1.2.0 (Modules)
Add Version headers to your app in one module
box install versionHeader
Lucee Administrator Scheduled Tasks Bootstrap UI v1.0.1 (Modules)
A Bootstrap 4 UI frontend for the Lucee Administrator Server Scheduled Tasks
box install lucee-scheduled-tasks
twiliolookupcfc v1.0.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Twilio Lookup API.
box install twiliolookupcfc
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