Postmark v1.5.0 (Modules)
A ColdFusion wrapper to interact with the Postmark App API
box install postmark
Another Test Package v1.2.0 (Modules)
Another test package following ortus cfcasts
box install AnotherTestPackage
My Cool Package v2.1.0 (Modules)
My cool package for Forgebox
box install mycoolpackage-gpickin
normalizeToArray v1.0.3 (Modules)
Normalize any value to an array
box install normalizeToArray
coolbanner v1.3.2 (Modules)
box install coolbanner
Semver v1.1.1 (Modules)
A custom bump command.
box install commandbox-semver
fbccfml v1.0.1 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Facebook Conversions API.
box install fbccfml
Facebook Leadgen Forms - CFML v1.0.1 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Facebook Leadgen Forms API. Create and manage Facebook's lead forms via their marketing API.
box install fblgfcfml
ColdBox Elastic APM v1.0.2 (Modules)
Adds support ColdBox apps to report their event name to Elastic APM
box install cbElasticAPM
sqlFormatter v1.1.3+31 (Modules) Org Package
A CFML wrapper for the Vertical Blank sql-formatter java library
box install sqlformatter
CBMailServices PreMail Filter v1.0.4 (Modules)
This allows you to filter emails sent by CBMailServices on the PreMail Interception point, completely by Environment Variables. This gives you some great control and flexibility
box install cbmailservices-premail-filter
cbyaml v1.0.5 (Modules)
Provides easy serialization and deserialization of yaml files
box install cbyaml
Mailgun.cfc v0.6.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the MailGun API
box install mailguncfc
getRealIP v1.2.0 (Modules)
Get Real IP, by looking at clustered, proxy headers and locally.
box install getrealip
Numverify API Module v1.0.4 (Modules)
A ColdBox module for interacting with the Numverify phone verification API
box install numverify
CodeChecker Core v1.3.3 (Modules)
The core service for CodeChecker
box install codechecker-core
CFCouchbase SDK v3.0.2+47 (Modules)
A CFML Library for interacting with Couchbase NoSQL Server
box install cfcouchbase
GeoLocation By IP v3.0.0+16 (Modules)
Look up and cache a user's countryCode, countryName, regionName, cityName, , zipCode, latitude, longitude, and timeZone by IP address.
box install GeoLocation-lookup-by-IP
JSoup v1.1.0 (Modules)
A ColdBox module for JSoup.
box install cbjsoup
TinEye ColdBox Module v1.1.2 (Modules)
A module for using TinEye photo search API
box install tineye
function-linenums v1.1.4 (Modules)
Utility module for computing function names from source paths and line numbers.
box install funclinenums
MailgunProtocol v1.2.0 (Modules)
A cbmailservices protocol for Mailgun
box install mailgun-protocol
CFzxing v1.1.0 (Modules)
A barcode generator using the ZXING java library.
box install CFzxing
cfPlaid v1.1.0 (Modules)
Plaid API wrapper for CFML
box install cfPlaid
DPD DE CFML v0.1.1 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for DPD DE functionality
box install dpddecfml
SQL Parser v0.0.2 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the JSQLParser project
box install sqlParser
MailjetProtocol v1.2.0 (Modules)
A cbmailservices protocol for Mailjet
box install mailjet-protocol
apifycfc v0.7.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Apify API. Interact with Apify's automated web scraping and automation platform.
box install apifycfc
PropertyFile Util v1.3.2 (Modules)
A library for managing Java property files
box install propertyFile
Dachser CFML v0.2.0 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for the Dachser API
box install dachsercfml
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