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v1.0.9 Modules
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Build Status testbox Lucee 5.3 Lucee 4.5 Adobe ColdFusion 2018 Adobe ColdFusion 2016 License


CF Input validation made awesome! (and safe)

cfvalid includes validation rules for 90+ validation rules, and custom rules are very easy to create in a few lines of code.

Some rules will massage data and automatically correct values if possible, for example "zipcode" can automatically stip out any non-numeric values, and if the result is valid no error is thrown.

Main Validation Options

Common Arguments

  • var=string - variable name
  • vars=list - list of variable names for params functions
  • rules=list - list of rules to check in order, example: "simple,length:1-10,numeric" some rules like "length" can be passed a shorthand argument after the colon, but rules can define their own custom arguments
  • required=bool - if a required variable doesn't exist in the scope it throws an error, isvalid & validate defaults to required=true, param defaults to required=false
  • scope=struct - the structure holding the variable, useful for custom scopes, otherwise use the form/url/cookie convenience methods
  • label=string - field name to display in error messages
  • autoFix=bool - some rules may attempt to auto fix input to be valid
  • mutable=bool - if rules can update the original variable
  • throwable=bool - defaults to false, this will make any validation error throw a cfthrow exception that can be caught by error handling
valid.param( scope=form, var="test", rule="length:1-10" );
valid.param( scope=form, var="test", rule="length", min=1, max=10 );
valid.param( scope=request, var="foo", rule="boolean", default= false );


formValidate() / urlValidate() / cookieValidate()

Checks if a variable is valid against a list of customizable rules, error messages are added to a errorStruct (default request.errors)

valid.formValidate( var="name", label="Name", rules="string,length:<50" );
valid.formValidate( var="email", label="Email Address", rules="string,email,length:5-75" );
valid.validate( scope=cfc.person, var="name", label="Person Name", rules="string,length:<50", mutable= false );

param() or params()

formParam() / formParams() / urlParam() / urlParams() / cookieParam() / cookieParams()

Checks if a variable is valid against a list of customizable rules, defaults to not required, returns no error messages, just useful for safely handling variables, similar but better than cfparam.

valid.param( scope=request, var="test", rules="boolean", default=false );
valid.urlParams( vars="fname,mname,lname", rules="string,html_safe", default="" );


isFormValid() / isUrlValid() / isCookieValid()

Checks if a variable is valid against a list of customizable rules, and returns true/false.

<cfif valid.isValid( scope=form, var="name", rules= "string,length:<50" )> ... </cfif>
<cfif valid.isFormValid( "name", "String,length:<50" )> ... </cfif>


If you want to create an error message without processing any rules

valid.error( var="email", error="This email address already exists in our system" );


Check the error struct has any error messages in it.


Check if one of the vars exists in the error struct.

Some of the most useful rules

  • required - special rule that is always checked first, this checks if the variable even exists in the scope, and if not stops processing any additional rules
  • simple - good to always check that user input is a string
  • length - makes sure strings aren't too long or too short (shorthand length:min-max or length:min)
  • email - Email address validation, with different error messages for different missing parts
  • list - Compares the input to a list of acceptable values, includes options for multiple values and delims
  • range - Validates a number is within a range (shorthand range:min-max)
  • not_default - Validates that the input isn't the default value
  • html_safe - Removes unsafe html tags
  • html_strict - Removes all html tags
  • sql_safe - Removes common sql keywords and exploit syntax
  • multiple - Special rule that applies validation to each item in the list or array (like multiple:integer would validate "1,2,3" is valid but not "1,B,3")


I've found I often come up with combo validation rules that I reuse over and over, so this is a way to name a rule which applies several rules and arguments more easily. For example on init, add the combo:

	name= "email_group"
,	rules= "simple,html_strict,length:6-50,email"
,	label= "Email Address"

Then just apply it like a normal single rule:

valid.formValidate( var= "email", rules= "email_group" );

Custom Rule Example

Place new rules in the /rules folder (or add another folder to the init "rulePaths"), then check LOCAL.value against your rule, if there is a problem set LOCAL.error= "bad things happened". You can also add your own custom arguments, just try and make their names unique

<cfparam name="arguments.example" type="boolean" default="true">
<cfif arguments.example AND NOT isSimpleValue( LOCAL.value )>
	<cfset LOCAL.error = "{label} failed the example rule">

To Install

Run the following from commandbox:

box install cfvalid

Run Tests

Install testbox

box install
box testbox run


  • 2020-04-30 Travis multi-engine test support
  • 2020-04-29 Testbox BDD Specs
  • 2020-04-24 Docs and some fixes
  • 2019-06-03 Open source release


Apache License, Version 2.0.

$ box install cfvalid

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  • {{ getFullDate("2020-07-06T14:12:31Z") }}
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