cfmailchimp v0.3.4 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfmailchimp
cbMockData v4.1.0+3 (Modules)
cbMockData is a service to generate fake JSON data via command line arguments, class calls or an embedded RESTFul service
box install cbMockData
ColdBox Mail Services v2.8.0+1 (Modules) Org Package
The ColdBox Mail services module will allow you to send email the OO and fluent way in multiple protocols
box install cbmailservices
CFCat v0.6.3 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for The Cat API. Some people are dog people. Some people are cat people. This wrapper will provide the latter with cats on demand.
box install cfcat
My ColdBox App v1.0.1 (MVC)
box install my-coldbox-app
cffeedly v0.3.4 (Modules)
API client for
box install cffeedly
CFConcurrent v2.1.3+0000077 (Projects)
A boilerplate-reduction library for using the Java Concurrency Framework in ColdFusion applications
box install cfconcurrent
CommandBox CFC to Markdown Docs v2.5.3 (CommandBox Modules)
Generate markdown documentation from your CFCs
box install commandbox-cfc-to-markdown-docs
cfawsses v0.6.3 (Modules)
API client for AWS SES (Simple Email Service)
box install cfawsses
Preside Blog Skeleton v1.0.10 (Preside Skeletons)
A skeleton Preside application to be used as a starting point for a blog.
box install preside-skeleton-blog
ITB2021-Adding ColdBox to an Existing Codebase v0.0.4 (Projects)
A presentation for Into The Box 2021 on Adding ColdBox to Existing Codebase.
box install itb2021_adding_coldbox_to_an_existing_codebase
Chat GPT v1.0.0 (Projects)
A ColdFusion CFC to interact with the chatgpt API
box install chatgpt
Mementifier : The State Maker! v3.6.0+4 (Modules)
This module creates memento/state representations from business objects
box install mementifier
Sample Build Script Into the Box 2019 v0.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A commandBox module that acts as a build system for the fake ITBFakerCoSites
box install CBSampleBuildScriptIntoTheBox2019
cfipinfodb v0.5.4 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfipinfodb
DPD UK CFML v0.3.1 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for the DPD UK API
box install dpdukcfml
cfwalmart v0.5.9 (Modules)
API client for walmart marketplace
box install cfwalmart
cfpostmark v0.5.9 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfpostmark
CFML UPS v0.0.1 (Modules)
CFML UPS Package
box install cfups
cfomdb v0.6.14 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfomdb
cfreverb v0.6.5 (Modules)
API client for sellers
box install cfreverb
cfiva v0.5.5 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfiva
RuleBox: A ColdBox Rules Engine v1.0.0+13 (Modules)
A Simple & Intuitive Natural Language Rules Engine for ColdBox Applications
box install rulebox
RabbitSDK v1.2.0+67 (Modules)
A CFML/ColdFusion SDK for RabbitMQ
box install rabbitsdk
cfmailgun v0.5.7 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfmailgun
cftmdb v0.6.10 (Modules)
API client for
box install cftmdb
cfmandrill v0.5.12 (Modules)
API client for MailChimp's
box install cfmandrill
clickup.cfc v1.0.2 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the ClickUp API
box install clickupcfc
cbSpur v1.0.0 (Modules)
Implements Api for Coldbox Coldfusion
box install cbSpur
DHL Parcel UK CFML v0.1.2 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for the DHL Parcel UK web service
box install dhl-parcel-uk-cfml
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