BoxLang 🚀 A New JVM Dynamic Language Learn More...


v0.6.3 Modules
   ___  / _|  __ _ __      __ ___  ___   ___  ___ 
  / __|| |_  / _` |\ \ /\ / // __|/ __| / _ \/ __|
 | (__ |  _|| (_| | \ V  V / \__ \\__ \|  __/\__ \
  \___||_|   \__,_|  \_/\_/  |___/|___/ \___||___/


AWS SES ColdFusion API Client

This client is just a very thin basic client that only handles basic tasks to get started sending email on SES. Only the following methods are implimented:

  • SendEmail
  • GetSendQuota
  • GetSendStatistics
  • VerifyEmailAddress
  • DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress
  • ListVerifiedEmailAddresses

To Install

Run the following from commandbox: box install cfawsses


2019-05-29 Open source release

API documentation

$ box install cfawsses

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  • {{ getFullDate("2019-05-29T13:00:50Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2020-04-24T16:43:12Z") }}
  • 1,761
  • 7