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In order to use Google OAuth, you must register for a Google Client Credientials. Visit and signup for the free account. Make sure to use to create an OAuth2 account. Server API keys & none oauth keys are not supported.
google = {
oauth = {
redirectURL = "{{what_is_the_internal_url}}",
loginSuccess = "login.success",
loginFailure = "login.failure",
clientID = "{{Google_Provided_ClientID}}",
clientSecret = "{{Google_Provided_ClientSecret}}",
scope = "",
accessType = "offline",
approvalPrompt = "auto",
responseType = "code"
analytics = {
enabled = true,
uaID = "{{Google_Analytics_uaID}}"
If you want to capture any data from a successful login, use the interception point googleLoginSuccess. Inside the interceptData structure will contain all the provided data from google for the specific user.
component {
function googleLoginSuccess(event,interceptData){
var queryService = new query(sql="SELECT roles,email,password FROM user WHERE googleUserID = :id;");
var lookup = queryService.execute().getResult();
if( lookup.recordCount ){
login {
loginuser password=lookup.password roles=lookup.roles;
// create new user
box install nsg-module-google