cfmusicbrainz v0.5.7 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfmusicbrainz
cftvdb v0.6.8 (Modules)
API client for
box install cftvdb
cfamazonmws v0.5.2 (Modules)
API client for amazon mws
box install cfamazonmws
oauth2.cfc v0.1.0 (Modules)
An oAuth2 Consumer Component for CF
box install oauth2cfc
cfjets3t v0.5.4 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfjets3t
Nap Time v1.0.2 (Modules)
The laziest app you've ever used. Guaranteed, or your money back.
box install nap-time
cftrevco v0.7.5 (Modules)
API client for trevco b2b
box install cftrevco
cfrottentomatoes v1.5.3 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfrottentomatoes
webp v0.2.2 (Modules)
CFML ColdBox module to encode/decode Webp images. Includes and uses Google's WebP binaries.
box install webp
Ecosystem Summary v0.0.2 (Modules)
Presents a table summarizing the name of repos in an environment, the git branch in each repo's folder and a link to the site
box install ecoSystemSummary
Bens Json Serializer For Wheels v0.1.7 (CFWheels Plugins)
Swaps renderWith()'s use of serializeJson() with Ben Nadel's JsonSerializer
box install cfwheels-bens-json-serializer
smmrize v1.0.3 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the SMMRY API. Utilize the SMMRY API to summarize articles, text, PDFs, etc. This is done by extracting the most important sentences based on their algorithm.
box install smmrize
cflastfm v0.6.7 (Modules)
API client for /
box install cflastfm
cfavatax v0.2.6 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfavatax
cfreviewsio v0.5.8 (Modules)
API client for /
box install cfreviewsio
cfkickbox v0.5.8 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfkickbox
lotrcfc v1.0.1 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for The Lord of the Rings API. One API to rule them all - and this is the wrapper to use them. Just kidding. It's a CFML wrapper for all the Lord of the Rings goodness you need.
box install lotrcfc
Royal Mail UK Click & Drop CFML v0.1.0 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for the UK Royal Mail Click & Drop web service
box install RMClickDropCFML
lobcfc v0.1.2 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Lob API. Wrap the Lob API to verify addresses and send physical mail programmatically.
box install lobcfc
Urlbox Screenshots v1.2.0 (Modules)
Generate urls for the screenshot-as-a-service API.
box install urlbox-screenshots
browserlesscfc v0.5.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the browserless API. Control web browser automation for screenshots, pdf generation, testing, and more.
box install browserlesscfc
MailjetProtocol v1.2.0 (Modules)
A cbmailservices protocol for Mailjet
box install mailjet-protocol
dialpadcfc v0.0.8 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Dialpad API. Interact with the Dialpad call and contact center platform to make calls, send SMS, manage your account, and more.
box install dialpadcfc
ContentBox 5 Admin Fixes v1.0.0 (ContentBox Modules)
Enables some ContentBox 5 Admin fixes
box install cbAdmin5Fixes
FinnHub v1.0.2 (Modules)
CFML wrapper for the FinnHub API.
box install finnhub
Taxjar v0.1.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Taxjar API. Sales Tax for Developers
box install taxjar
fbccfml v1.0.1 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Facebook Conversions API.
box install fbccfml
Facebook Leadgen Forms - CFML v1.0.1 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Facebook Leadgen Forms API. Create and manage Facebook's lead forms via their marketing API.
box install fblgfcfml
jotformcfc v0.2.3 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the JotForm API.
box install jotformcfc
cfchannel v0.1.3 (Modules)
MPSC channel implementation in CFML
box install cfchannel
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