cfEvents v0.3.0 (Modules)
Create and respond to events with CFML
box install cfevents
Coldbox Module to allow Social Login via LinkedIn v1.0.5 (Modules)
linkedin login support & future linkedin api wrapper
box install nsg-module-linkedin
Lucee File Coverage Debug Template v0.0.1.13 (Lucee Extensions)
This extension provides a debugging template that logs all the calls to script files as a test or QA person navigates your site.
Add to the Lucee Admin
Activate URL v3.0.0 (Modules)
This function takes URLs in a text string and turns them into links. The entire string will be retur
box install Activate-URL
cbEventCachingOverride - ColdBox Event Caching Override v1.1.1 (Modules)
A sweet package
box install cbEventCachingOverride
Rollbar Appender for Logbox v1.0.0 (Logging)
A custom logging appender for integration with Rollbar ( ).
box install logbox-rollbar
ContentBox Facebook Social Media Embed Widget Module v1.2.10 (ContentBox Modules)
Customizable Facebook Embed Widget for Contentbox 3
box install facebook-page-plugin
MariaDB CommandBox Commands v0.1.2 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox Commands for CFMariaDB
box install mariadb-commandbox-commands
Responsive - Animus Content Box Theme v3.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Responsive - Animus Content Box Theme
box install cbanimus
CFMariaDB v0.1.3 (Projects)
ColdFusion/Lucee Wrapper for MariaDB
box install cfmariadb
CFMongoDB vdev-coldbox (Modules)
Coldbox Module Version of CFMongoDB (Deprecated)
box install cfmongodb
Relative Path Converter v1.0.0 (Modules)
Translate an absolute path into a relative path.
box install relative-path-converter
Coldbox Module to allow Social Login via Github v1.0.5 (Modules)
login support for github
box install nsg-module-github
Weather By IP v1.1.0 (Modules)
Look up local weather by IP address.
box install weather-lookup-by-ip
Responsive Theme - Piccolo for contentbox-theme v3.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Responsive Theme - Piccolo for contentbox-theme
box install cbpiccolo
Coldbox Module to allow Social Login via Google v1.0.5 (Modules)
Coldbox Module to allow Social Login via Google
box install nsg-module-google
cfpayment v1.0.0 (Modules)
This module wraps Brian Ghidinelli's CFPayment library - ColdFusion payment processing library makes
box install cfpayment
API Auth Helper v1.1.1 (Modules)
A module to help authenticate to an API manager
box install api-auth-helper
ColdBox Module for user management, implements ORM, & interfaces automatically with nsg-module-security v1.0.1 (Modules)
Basic model support for user, userSocial, and socialservice plus login support.
box install nsg-module-user
Facebook API & Social Login v1.0.5 (Modules)
Partial support for Facebok API & Social Login
box install nsg-module-facebook
ContentBox CodeEditor Manager v2.0.0 (ContentBox Modules)
Handy ContentBox module for including and configuring custom code editors.
box install CodeEditorManager
PresideCMS Extension: Admin RadialMenu v0.1.0 v0.1.0 (Preside Extensions)
Replacement for the AdminToolbar which has two small radial menus in the bottom corners
box install preside-ext-radialmenu
cftinypng v0.8.1 (Modules)
API client for
box install cftinypng
Responsive Theme - Business Blog v3.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Responsive Theme - Business Blog
box install cbbusinessblog
ContentBox Theme - Goodness v2.0.0 (ContentBox Themes)
A blueish goodnes
box install cbtheme-goodness
cfStocky v0.1.2 (Modules)
CFML integration with Financial Modeling Prep API.
box install cfstocky
Oxford Dictionary API v1.0.0 (Modules)
This is a ColdFusion Wrapper written to interact with the Oxford Dictionary API.
box install oxforddictionary
Enhanced Layouts & Basic Site Layout v1.0.6 (Modules)
Coldbox Module providing Enhanced Layouts & Basic Site Setup
box install nsg-module-layout
Responsive - CbMetronic Content Box Theme v2.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Responsive - CbMetronic Content Box Theme
box install cbmetronic
Bugsnag v0.3.0 (Modules)
A Coldbox Module which integrates with Bugsnag for error tracking
box install bugsnag
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