cbInitLogger-buglog v1.0.2 (Modules)
I am a ColdBox module that logs ColdBox Framework Inits with BugLog
box install cbInitLogger-buglog
Wheels CLI Commands v3.0.20 (CommandBox Modules)
Wheels.dev CLI Commands
box install wheels-cli
Preside Extension: REST API Endpoint Scaffolding v1.0.2 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-rest-scaffold
MockBox v3.1.0 (Testing)
A Mocking and Stubbing Library
box install mockbox
ColdFish Formatter v1.0 (ContentBox Widgets)
A Widget to use that uses the ColdFish project to format your code
box install cbwidget-coldfishformatter
SendGrid.cfc v1.0.2 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the SendGrid API
box install sendgridcfc
Maintenance Mode v1 (Interceptors)
Places the set of events based on the JSON rules file in maintenance mode
box install Maintenance-Mode
Xero CFML SDK v0.5.3 (Modules)
box install xero-cfml
CKIconFont v1.1 (ContentBox Modules)
This module adds icon font support to the CKEditor window
box install cbmodule-ckiconfont
Donation v1.1 (ContentBox Modules)
This module will generate Stripe donation forms for your ContentBox websites.
box install cbmodule-donation
Xero CFML Sample App v0.1.2 (Demos)
Sample app to demo the Xero CFML SDK
box install xero-cfml-sample-app
Social module v1.0 (ContentBox Modules)
Used to show social icon in contentbox pages
box install cbSocial
CacheBack v1.0 (WireBox Aspects)
A cool annotation based Caching Aspect that provides caching without blocking requests
box install CacheBack
Super Menu v1.2 (ContentBox Modules)
Super Menu gives you the control to create your own menus and use them however you want!
box install Super-Menu
ContentBox Theme - Truly Simple v2.0.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Truly Simple ContentBox Theme
box install cbtheme-truly-simple
Contactor v1.1 (ContentBox Modules)
A module to load a Contactor plugin and let your guests send you a message for ContentBox
box install Contactor
ContentBox Theme - Corporattica Simple v2.0.0 (ContentBox Themes)
A flat corporate look
box install corporattica
ColdBox Sublime Text Bundle v1.0 (Projects)
ColdBox Platform Sublime IDE Package
box install ColdBox-Sublime-Text-Bundle
cfml-module-utils v0.3.4 (Modules)
CFML Module Utils
box install cfml-module-utils-pgahq
Deploy v3.0 (Interceptors)
Deployment Application Re-Initializer
box install Deploy
Pingdom API v0.0.8.0 (Logging)
A ColdFusion Wrapper written to interact with the Pingdom Monitoring API.
box install pingdom-api
flashmessage v1.2.2 (Modules)
Easy, customizable messages across requests for ColdFusion
box install flashmessage
Amazon SES Plugin v1.0 (Plugins)
A Plugin to interact with Amazon Simple Email Service REST API
box install Amazon-SES-Plugin
Reactor factory with autowire support v1.1 (Projects)
Automatically autowires Reactor objects
box install Reactor-factory-with-autowire-support
Show Blogger Bio v1.0 (ContentBox Modules)
Automatically show Bio information at the bottom of a blog post.
box install Show-Blogger-Bio
jsFiddle v1.5 (ContentBox Modules)
A simple module to help you insert fiddles from http://jsfiddle.net
box install jsFiddle
framework-one-secure-auth v3.0.0 (Projects)
An example fw/1 application with secure authentication and session management functions
box install fw1-sa
UpChunk v2.1.0+19 (Modules)
Handle chunked file uploads in ColdBox
box install upchunk
Mura CMS v7.0.0 (CMS)
Mura CMS is an open source content management system for CFML.
box install muracms
Data Listing v1.1 (ContentBox Widgets)
ContentBox Widget that renders ContentStore data.
box install cbwidget-datalisting
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