SuperSeo v2.0.2 (ContentBox Modules)
A cool seo module for ContentBox
box install SuperSeo
cfsmartystreets v1.2.0 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfsmartystreets
cfsetcronjob v0.11.1 (Modules)
API client for (formerly
box install cfsetcronjob
Amazon SNS SDK v1.0.0+13 (Modules)
This SDK will provide you with Amazon SNS connectivity for any ColdFusion (CFML) application.
box install snssdk
SafeBrowsing v1.0.2 (Modules)
Service object for interacting with Google SafeBrowsing Lookup v4 API.
box install safebrowsing
PresideCMS Toomba Skeleton v1.1.17 (Preside Skeletons)
A skeleton PresideCMS application to be used as a starting point for basic applications.
box install preside-toomba-skeleton
CommandBox BoxLang CLI Tools v1.14.0+15 (CommandBox Modules)
CommandBox BoxLang CLI Tools
box install commandbox-boxlang
commandbox-minify v0.4.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A Commandbox module that combines and minifies JavaScript and CSS files
box install commandbox-minify
reCaptcha for Contentbox 3.x and 4.x v1.2.0 (ContentBox Modules)
Implements Google reCaptcha for Contentbox 3.x
box install cbReCaptcha
ContentBox Migrations v1.0.5 (ContentBox Modules)
Migrations for ContentBox
box install cbxmigrations
cfInterval v1.0.0 (Modules)
Human friendly helpers for working with intervals / timespans
box install cfInterval
coldbox-asset-bag v1.0.3 (Modules)
An asset bag to manage css and javascript dependencies
box install coldbox-asset-bag
Preside Extension: Star Wars v1.2.4 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-starwars
contentbox-awssns-twofactor v1.0.0+25 (ContentBox Modules)
AWS SNS Two Factor Authentication for ContentBox
box install contentbox-awssns-twofactor
PresideCMS Extension: GDPR cookie/tracking consent manager v0.3.1 (Preside Extensions)
Due to the new GDPR rules a more specific way how to deal with cookies is neccessary. This extensions allows you to manage your external services and cookies as you like.
box install preside-ext-gdpr
cbGoogleAnalytics v1.3 (ContentBox Modules)
Implements Google Analytics for Contentbox 3.7 and up
box install cbGoogleAnalytics
libphonenumber module v8.13.11+0001 (Modules)
A ColdBox module wrapper for Google's libphonenumber parse, format and validation library. With a lot of code from Jean-Bernard van Zuylen's Lucee extension.
box install libphonenumber
ContentBox CLI v1.6.0+3 (CommandBox Modules)
The official CLI for the ContentBox Modular CMS
box install contentbox-cli
TinEye ColdBox Module v1.1.2 (Modules)
A module for using TinEye photo search API
box install tineye
TowerData Coldbox Module v1.0.1+0001 (Modules)
A ColdBox Module for using the TowerData email validation API.
box install towerdata
ColdBox IOC Integration v1.1.0 (Modules)
Integrate third-party dependency injection into any ColdBox Application
box install cbioc
RuleBox: A ColdBox Rules Engine v1.0.0+13 (Modules)
A Simple & Intuitive Natural Language Rules Engine for ColdBox Applications
box install rulebox
JGroups integration for ColdBox v1.0.0+0000025 (Modules)
A module to seamlessly integrate Coldbox with jGroups for clustering support for your applications
box install cbjgroups
StringUtils v1.0 (Plugins)
Interface to StringBuilder and StringBuffer Java String Concatenation Classes
box install StringUtils
cbInertia v3.0.0 (Modules)
The ColdBox adapter for Inertia.js
box install cbInertia
PresideCMS Extension: InxMail SMTP Provider v1.1.2+0000006 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-inxmail
Image Carousel v1.0 (Plugins)
A simple image carousel using JQuery Tools
box install Image-Carousel
file-upload-helper v1.1.1 (Modules)
A helper for processing uploaded files.
box install file-upload-helper
Integrated v4.0.1 (Testing)
A TestBox package for even better Integration tests in ColdBox!
box install integrated
Alerter v0.0.2 (Modules)
Alerter for error notifications
box install alerter
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