sqlFormatter v1.1.3+31 (Modules) Org Package
A CFML wrapper for the Vertical Blank sql-formatter java library
box install sqlformatter
CB File Storages v1.1.4+4 (Modules)
This module allows you to abstract filesystems by leveraging a fluent storage API
box install cbfs
Swagger UI Documentation for ColdBox v1.2.1 (Modules)
Display the Swagger UI for a Swagger JSON file. Defaults to /cbswagger
box install cbSwaggerUI
getRealIP v1.2.0 (Modules)
Get Real IP, by looking at clustered, proxy headers and locally.
box install getrealip
CommandBox ColdSpring XML to WireBox DSL v1.1.0+12 (CommandBox Modules)
This module will convert a ColdSpring XML to WireBox DSL
box install commandbox-coldspring-to-wirebox
MapKit JS for Preside v0.4.0 (Preside Extensions)
This extension has been incorporated into https://www.forgebox.io/view/preside-ext-apple-services and is no longer supported.
box install preside-ext-mapkitjs
Masa CMS Authenticator Module v1.0.1 (Modules) Org Package
This is a Masa CMS Module for implementing Multi-Factor Authentication.
box install MasaAuthenticator
ColdBox Modern APP Template v6.9.0 (MVC)
box install cbtemplate-modern
Masa CMS Translations Plugin v4.2.0 (Plugins) Org Package
This plugin manages translations between multiple Masa CMS sites and locales.
box install MasaTranslations
Masa CMS Google Sitemaps Plugin v4.3.1 (Modules) Org Package
The Google Sitemaps Plugin generates Google-compatible sitemaps for a Masa CMS site.
box install MasaGoogleSitemaps
CommandBox Sprint Namer v1.2.0+10 (CommandBox Modules)
A handy command to generate sprint names
box install commandbox-sprint-namer
cbAddy v1.0.0 (Modules)
A small suite of address validation API clients for Coldbox. Uses USPS, UPS, and Avalara.
box install cbaddy
xmlTool v1.0 (Modules)
A simple package used for casting XML to structs and JSON.
box install xmlTool
CommandBox Log4j Detect v1.0.2 (CommandBox Modules)
A simple wrapper for the Log4j Detect project found here: https://github.com/whitesource/log4j-detect-distribution
box install commandbox-log4j-detect
contentbox-elasticsearch v1.2.0+10 (Modules)
The ContentBox CMS Elasticsearch Provider
box install contentbox-elasticsearch
CommandBox GitHub v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
Run your cfmigrations from CommandBox
box install commandbox-github
CFWheels Template Example App v1.2.0 (CFWheels Templates)
A CFWheels 2.x example app with user management, role based permissions and password resets
box install cfwheels-template-example-app
totp v1.0.11 (Modules)
A CFML implementation of Time-based One-time Passwords
box install totp
Delivery Observation Gadget (DOG) v0.6.1 (Modules)
A ColdFusion tracking API client for Fedex and UPS. Fetch your shipment's information easily!
box install dog
DPD DE CFML v0.1.1 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for DPD DE functionality
box install dpddecfml
SQL Parser v0.0.2 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the JSQLParser project
box install sqlParser
Urlbox Screenshots v1.2.0 (Modules)
Generate urls for the urlbox.io screenshot-as-a-service API.
box install urlbox-screenshots
apifycfc v0.7.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Apify API. Interact with Apify's automated web scraping and automation platform.
box install apifycfc
JSON-Diff v2.0.0 (Modules)
An ColdFusion utility for checking if 2 JSON objects have differences
box install jsondiff
Masa CMS v7.4.8 (CMS) Org Package
Masa CMS is an open source content management system for CFML.
box install MasaCMS
Pixl8 Translation Manager CommandBox Commands v0.9.2+0000009 (CommandBox Modules)
Commands for pushing and pulling translation projects to Pixl8's translation manager
box install pixl8-translation-manager-commandbox-commands
Dachser CFML v0.2.0 (Modules)
This module provides a wrapper for the Dachser API
box install dachsercfml
Recaptcha Google v3.0 v3.0.0 (Modules)
The Invisible reCAPTCHA. It provides a viewlet to add it to any form, the API interface and a Validator for use with cbvalidation
box install recaptcha3
cbadmin-vue-argon v0.0.3 (Modules)
A vue-based UI implementation for the cbadmin extension.
box install cbadmin-vue-argon
MailjetProtocol v1.2.0 (Modules)
A cbmailservices protocol for Mailjet
box install mailjet-protocol
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Package Types