oauth2-examples v1.0.4 (Projects)
Examples for oauth2
box install oauth2-examples
CF-GoogleCal-V3-Examples v0.3.0 (Projects)
Examples for CF-GoogleCal-V3
box install CF-GoogleCal-V3-Examples
CF-GoogleCal-V3 v0.8.0 (Projects)
Google Calendar V3 for ColdFusion
box install CF-GoogleCal-V3
oauth2 v1.2.0 (Projects)
oauth2 for Google
box install oauth2
SecurityUtil v1.0.0.0 (Projects)
Various Utility Methods for Security
box install securityutil
ColdBox Sublime Text Bundle v1.0 (Projects)
ColdBox Platform Sublime IDE Package
box install ColdBox-Sublime-Text-Bundle
Reactor factory with autowire support v1.1 (Projects)
Automatically autowires Reactor objects
box install Reactor-factory-with-autowire-support
Half-SASS v.01 (Projects)
Partial SASS implementation written in CF
box install Half-SASS
ColdBox Lookup Manager v1.1 (Projects)
A set of modules to provide dynamic scaffolding to any ColdBox application leveraging Transfer ORM
box install ColdBox-Lookup-Manager
Groovy Loader Project v3.0 (Projects)
ColdBox speaks groovy! You can script in groovy and even consume groovy classes and templates.
box install Groovy-Loader-Project
Illudium Scaffolding Templates v1.0 (Projects)
A set of scaffolding templates for ColdBox Applications using Illudium PU-36
box install Illudium-Scaffolding-Templates
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