formInputs v1.0.0 (Modules)
This module is where all Form Inputs are registered, for Widgets, Themes, and more.
box install formInputs
Orm Reload Interceptor v1.0.2 (Modules)
Calls ORMReload() when the `ormReload=correct_password` is set in the URL or when `fwreinit` is called.
box install orm-reload-interceptor
Dupify v1.0.4 (Modules)
File duplicator for testing
box install dupify
JEST Java Native Client for the cbElasticsearch Module v1.0.0 (Modules)
Elasticsearch Module for the Coldbox Framework
box install cbelasticsearch-jest
Amazon S3 SDK Explorer v1.0.0 (Modules)
Amazon S3 SDK Explorer
box install s3sdkexplorer
JMESPath v2.4.0 (Modules)
An JMESPath port for Coldfusion. A query language for JSON
box install jmespath
cbLivewire v1.0.0-snapshot (Modules)
ColdBox + Livewire
box install cbLivewire
totp v1.0.11 (Modules)
A CFML implementation of Time-based One-time Passwords
box install totp
Mardown Dingus v1.2.0 (Modules)
The ColdFusion (CFML) version of the Markdown Dingus testing application
box install markdown-dingus
Mailgun.cfc v0.6.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the MailGun API
box install mailguncfc
Masa CMS Authenticator Module v1.0.1 (Modules) Org Package
This is a Masa CMS Module for implementing Multi-Factor Authentication.
box install MasaAuthenticator
megaphone v1.0.4 (Modules)
A protocol-based library for sending Notifications in ColdBox
box install megaphone
cbCommerce Bundle v1.0.1+12 (Modules)
An e-commerce module for the coldbox platform
box install cbcommerce
Socialite v1.3.3 (Modules)
An oauth2 module to perform social login
box install socialite
algolia.cfc v2.0.1 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the Algolia API
box install algoliacfc
cbcommerce-api v1.0.0+33 (Modules)
An e-commerce module for the coldbox platform
box install cbcommerce-api
cbcommerce-admin v1.0.0+9 (Modules)
Admin module for the cbCommerce e-commerce platform
box install cbcommerce-admin
cbopenai v1.0.1+6 (Modules)
Description goes here
box install cbopenai
Route Auditor v1.0.0 (Modules)
A simple interceptor which captures the Coldbox event being fired and logs it to a DB
box install route_auditor
cbcommerce-ui v1.0.0+11 (Modules)
User interface module for the cbCommerce e-commerce module platform
box install cbcommerce-ui
ipify v1.0.0+4 (Modules)
Description goes here
box install ipify
KuttSDK v1.1.0+4 (Modules)
An SKD for creating short URLs with the Kutt API
box install kutt-sdk
cfrecombee v0.5.9 (Modules)
API client for Google Recaptcha v2
box install cfrecombee
Print Helper v1.6.1 (Modules)
A Module to help send jobs to the scs-print-api
box install print-helper
vite-helpers v1.0.0 (Modules)
Vite Helpers for ColdBox
box install vite-helpers
MailgunProtocol v1.2.0 (Modules)
A cbmailservices protocol for Mailgun
box install mailgun-protocol
getRealIP v1.2.0 (Modules)
Get Real IP, by looking at clustered, proxy headers and locally.
box install getrealip
verify-csrf-interceptor v2.0.0 (Modules)
Verifies the CSRF token on all non-GET requests
box install verify-csrf-interceptor
JSoup v1.1.0 (Modules)
A ColdBox module for JSoup.
box install cbjsoup
UIME v0.0.5 (Modules)
A simple templating tool for Coldbox apps
box install uime
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