Default ColdBox App Template For BoxLang v1.0.0-snapshot (MVC)
box install cbtemplate-bx-default
BoxLang CSRF v1.1.0+2 (BoxLang Modules)
Contributes Cross-Site Request Forgery Token Functions to BoxLang
box install bx-csrf
Testbox Mocking Utils v0.0.2 (Modules)
A collection of utilties to facilitate mocking during unit tests in a Coldbox Application
box install testboxMockingUtils
cbHealthcheck v1.5.0 (Modules)
A ColdBox Module to give your app a healthcheck endpoint with multiple checks and logging and failing if required.
box install cbHealthcheck
Sentry v2.1.5+7 (Modules)
A module to log messages and send bug reports to Sentry
box install sentry
Adobe ColdFusion v2023.0.12+330713 (CF Engines)
box install adobe
PresideCMS Extension: Validation Extras v1.2.3+0000071 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-validation-extras
Sendgrid SDK v1.5.4 (Modules)
An API for interacting with SendGrid, including sending emails and receiving webhooks
box install sendgrid-sdk
fixinator v5.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox command for scanning CFML code to find security issues.
box install fixinator
logstash v3.1.2+43 (Modules)
A logstash module for the coldbox platform
box install logstash
Elasticsearch for the Coldbox Framework v3.5.0+209 (Modules)
Elasticsearch Module for the Coldbox Framework
box install cbelasticsearch
PresideCMS Extension: MultiSelect Form Control for Preside applications v1.2.11+0000135 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-multiselect
twilio-sdk v2.5.0 (Modules)
CFML SDK to interact with the Twilio API
box install twilio-sdk
PresideCMS Extension: Preside Content Dependency Tracker v0.8.1+0000166 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-content-dependency-tracker
Preside Extension: Alternate Admin Theme v1.0.14+0000190 (Preside Extensions)
The Alternate Admin Theme extension provides a refresh to the original Preside core admin layout and styling, and also adds customisation options.
box install preside-ext-alt-admin-theme
PresideCMS Extension: SAML2 Single Sign On v6.0.8+0000273 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-saml2-sso
cbturnstile v1.0.0 (Modules)
Coldbox Module for Turnstile captcha service from Cloudflare.
box install cbturnstile
cbsso v1.0.7+13 (Modules)
Description goes here
box install cbsso
Ortus Redis Cache v3.4.0+79 (Lucee Extensions)
Add to the Lucee Admin
simplyconvertcfc v0.0.2 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the SimplyConvert API. A wrapper for the SimplyConvert API for building integrations with their legal tech platform
box install simplyconvertcfc
Commandbox-BoxLangFeatureAudit v0.0.9 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox wrapper for the Boxlang Feature Audit tool
box install commandbox-BoxLangFeatureAudit
BoxLang Apache Derby v1.1.0+4 (BoxLang Modules)
BoxLang module for Apache Derby database connectivity
box install bx-derby
BoxLang Microsoft SQL Server v1.1.0+7 (BoxLang Modules)
Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Support for BoxLang
box install bx-mssql
PresideCMS Extension: Preside Data API v3.6.0+0000248 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-data-api
Lucee Light CF Engine v6.1.1+118 (CF Engines)
Lucee Light WAR engine for CommandBox servers.
box install lucee-light
Lucee CF Engine v6.1.1+118 (CF Engines)
Lucee WAR engine for CommandBox servers.
box install lucee
Coldbox Open Telementry Module v1.0.1+2 (Modules)
Open Telemetry and distributed tracing Module for the Coldbox Platform
box install cbotel
Inventory Helper v2.1.1 (Modules)
A module to help manage Inventory Adjustments
box install inventory-helper
Introspection Coldbox v0.0.14 (Modules)
Works with the site modelling system to provide hierarchical and structural relationships between files in a coldbox site
box install introspection_coldbox
CFMigrations v4.1.3 (Modules)
Keep track and run your database migrations with CFML
box install cfmigrations
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Package Types