Masa CMS Google Sitemaps Plugin v4.4.1 (Plugins) Org Package
The Google Sitemaps Plugin generates Google-compatible sitemaps for a Masa CMS site.
box install MasaGoogleSitemaps
ContentBox CKCodeMirror Extension v2.0.0 (ContentBox Modules)
This module adds Code Mirror support to CKEditor included with ContentBox. Once you go into source mode you will get a full coding experience.
box install CKCodeMirror
Plain Text Convertor v1.0 (Plugins)
This plugin takes html or rtf text and converts it to plain text
box install Plain-Text-Convertor
Text Differencing Engine v1.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that can help you diff text and report it for you
box install Text-Differencing-Engine
BoxLang Compat Module (DEPRECATED) v1.4.1+8 (BoxLang Modules)
Compatibility module for BoxLang so it behaves like a CFML engine
box install bx-compat
BoxLang Compat Module For CFML v1.22.0+29 (BoxLang Modules)
Compatibility module for BoxLang so it behaves like a CFML engine
box install bx-compat-cfml
ColdThumbs v2.2.0 (Modules)
ColdThumbs is a ColdFusion component to dynamically resize and cache images.
box install ColdThumbs
Ecosystem Testing v1.0.4 (CommandBox Modules)
A tool to configure an ecosystem of multiple projects from multiple repos, typically for a feature testing process.e
box install ecosystemTesting
Route Auditor v1.0.0 (Modules)
A simple interceptor which captures the Coldbox event being fired and logs it to a DB
box install route_auditor
easyKonto CFML v0.1.1 (Modules)
easyKonto CFML is a CFML library for checking IBANs via the easyKonto API.
box install easykontocfml
Stripe CFML v3.6.0 (Modules)
Stripe CFML is a CFML (Lucee and ColdFusion) library for interacting with the Stripe API.
box install stripecfml
PresideCMS Extension: Calendar View v1.1.16+0000008 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-calendar-view
fixinator v6.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox command for scanning CFML code to find security issues.
box install fixinator
JWT CFML v1.2.1 (Modules)
JWT CFML is a CFML (Lucee and ColdFusion) library for using JSON Web Tokens.
box install jwt-cfml
Commandbox-BoxLangFeatureAudit v0.0.9 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox wrapper for the Boxlang Feature Audit tool
box install commandbox-BoxLangFeatureAudit
CommandBox Convert v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A conversion tool for taking table like data and converting it to excel, csv, json, or pdf
box install commandbox-convert
framework-one-secure-auth v3.0.0 (Projects)
An example fw/1 application with secure authentication and session management functions
box install fw1-sa
aws-cfml v1.35.0 (Modules)
AWS CFML is a CFML library for interacting with AWS APIs
box install aws-cfml
oauth2.cfc v0.1.0 (Modules)
An oAuth2 Consumer Component for CF
box install oauth2cfc
FW/1 Commands v2.1.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A collection of CommandBox commands for FW/1.
box install fw1-commands
PresideCMS Extension: Preside Content Dependency Tracker v0.8.1+0000166 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-content-dependency-tracker
CFMongoDB vdev-coldbox (Modules)
Coldbox Module Version of CFMongoDB (Deprecated)
box install cfmongodb
Ecosystem Summary v0.0.2 (Modules)
Presents a table summarizing the name of repos in an environment, the git branch in each repo's folder and a link to the site
box install ecoSystemSummary
Bens Json Serializer For Wheels v0.1.7 (CFWheels Plugins)
Swaps renderWith()'s use of serializeJson() with Ben Nadel's JsonSerializer
box install cfwheels-bens-json-serializer
Numverify API Module v1.0.0+0002 (Modules)
A ColdBox module for interacting with the Numverify phone verification API
box install numverify-new
testing v1.0.0 (CF Engines)
It was my own purpose
box install saro
GrowthBook SDK v1.0.0 (Modules)
CFML SDK for GrowthBook
box install GrowthBookSDK
BoxLang INI Files Helper v1.0.0+1 (BoxLang Modules)
This module helps you load, read, write and parse INI files in your BoxLang applications.
box install bx-ini
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