Swagger Redoc UI for ColdBox v1.0.1 (Modules)
Display the Redoc UI for a Swagger JSON file. Defaults to /cbswagger
box install cbswagger-redoc
Socket.IO-Lucee v0.6.2+0000115 (Projects)
Socket.IO Server Protocol implementation for Lucee 5 applications
box install socketiolucee
Recaptcha Google v3.0 v3.0.0 (Modules)
The Invisible reCAPTCHA. It provides a viewlet to add it to any form, the API interface and a Validator for use with cbvalidation
box install recaptcha3
cfspreadsheet v3.0.3 (Lucee Extensions)
Add https://forgebox.io to the Lucee Admin
cfscript.me Command v0.1.5 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox comand for converting CFML tags to Script
box install cfscriptme-command
ColdBox JSON Web Tokens (JWT) v1.1.0 (Modules)
box install jwt
PresideCMS Extension: Preside Performance Analyser v0.1.0+0000005 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-performance-analyser
cbMeilisearch v1.1.0 (Modules)
API wrapper for Meilisearch
box install cbmeilisearch
Preside Extension: Image Maps v1.0.3 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-imagemap
ColdBox Route Visualizer v2.2.0+2 (Modules)
A nice UI module to visualize and test ColdBox Routing
box install route-visualizer
Amazon S3 Explorer v3.0.1 (Modules)
box install s3explorer
CF JWT Simple v1.3.0 (Projects)
CFML component for encoding and decoding JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
box install cf-jwt-simple
ColdBox i18n and Localization v3.3.0+1 (Modules)
This module will enhance your ColdBox applications with i18n capabilities, java/json resource bundles and localization.
box install cbi18n
raygun4cfml v2.1.0 (Logging)
Provides integration with the Raygun CrashReporting API
box install raygun4cfml
Preside v10.27.35+0008959 (CMS)
The Preside platform by Pixl8 Interactive
box install presidecms
CodeChecker Core v1.3.3 (Modules)
The core service for CodeChecker
box install codechecker-core
ContentBox Google Prettify v2.0.0 (ContentBox Modules)
TThis module allows you to add Akismet capabilities to your ContentBox CMS
box install Google-Prettify
Swagger UI Documentation for ColdBox v1.2.1 (Modules)
Display the Swagger UI for a Swagger JSON file. Defaults to /cbswagger
box install cbSwaggerUI
Semantic Version v1.2.8 (Modules)
This is a library that implements npm-style semantic versioning for CFML.
box install semver
VerbalExpressions v1.0.0 (Modules)
CFML Regular Expressions made easy
box install VerbalExpressions
Elixir APP Template v7.2.0+12 (MVC)
A ColdBox application template that leverages ColdBox Elixir for assets
box install cbtemplate-elixir
Who.is IP Address lookup API with Coldbox module bindings v1.0.0+0000004 (Modules)
box install cbwhois
cfpayment v1.0.0 (Modules)
This module wraps Brian Ghidinelli's CFPayment library - ColdFusion payment processing library makes
box install cfpayment
PresideCMS Extension: Empty Email Layouts v0.1.2+0000020 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-empty-email-layouts
UpChunk v2.1.0+19 (Modules)
Handle chunked file uploads in ColdBox
box install upchunk
Recurrence v0.0.1 (Modules)
A ColdBox Module for processing recurrence rules.
box install recurrence
Text Differencing Engine v1.0 (Plugins)
A plugin that can help you diff text and report it for you
box install Text-Differencing-Engine
ZTRK Helper v2.0.0 (Modules)
A module to help insert order tracking records into SAP
box install ztrk-helper
CB Commons v1.1.0 (Modules)
A collection of some nice models to help with your CFML development
box install cbcommons
Dao v1.0.3 (Projects)
A ColdFusion library for easy Data Access, CRUD, ORM like functionality and LINQ style query building.
box install dao
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Package Types