PresideCMS Extension: Countdown-Widget v1.0.0 (Preside Extensions)
An PresideCMS extension for a countdown widget
box install preside-ext-countdown
Images Helper v2.0.0 (Modules)
A module to help send images to an image upload API
box install images-helper
Wheels Base Template v3.0.0-SNAPSHOT+631 (CFWheels Templates)
Wheels Framework Base Template
box install wheels-base-template
cbPlaywright v1.33.3 (Modules)
CFML integration with TestBox and Playwright
box install cbPlaywright
formInputs v1.0.0 (Modules)
This module is where all Form Inputs are registered, for Widgets, Themes, and more.
box install formInputs
Tweet Box v0.3.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A custom command for CommandBox to post Twitter status updates and send direct messages.
box install tweetbox
CFWheels FlashMessages Bootstrap Plugin v1.0.3 (CFWheels Plugins)
CFWheels 2.0 plugin to add Bootstrap tags to flashMessages
box install cfwheels-flashmessages-bootstrap
Responsive - Fitness Content Box Theme v2.0 (ContentBox Themes)
Responsive - Fitness Content Box Theme
box install cbfitness
Orm Reload Interceptor v1.0.2 (Modules)
Calls ORMReload() when the `ormReload=correct_password` is set in the URL or when `fwreinit` is called.
box install orm-reload-interceptor
Preside Extension: Pwned Passwords v1.1.0 (Preside Extensions)
Preside extension that checks passwords against the haveibeenpwned database of breached passwords.
box install preside-ext-pwnedpasswords
Dupify v1.0.4 (Modules)
File duplicator for testing
box install dupify
JEST Java Native Client for the cbElasticsearch Module v1.0.0 (Modules)
Elasticsearch Module for the Coldbox Framework
box install cbelasticsearch-jest
CommandBox Markdown v2.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
box install commandbox-markdown
Amazon S3 SDK Explorer v1.0.0 (Modules)
Amazon S3 SDK Explorer
box install s3sdkexplorer
JMESPath v2.4.0 (Modules)
An JMESPath port for Coldfusion. A query language for JSON
box install jmespath
crud-cbadmin v1.3.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox tool for scaffolding crud
box install crud-cbadmin
BoxLang PDF Module v1.2.0+7 (BoxLang Modules)
PDF Module for BoxLang
box install bx-pdf
cbLivewire v1.0.0-snapshot (Modules)
ColdBox + Livewire
box install cbLivewire
MapKit JS for Preside v0.4.0 (Preside Extensions)
This extension has been incorporated into and is no longer supported.
box install preside-ext-mapkitjs
Pixl8 Translation Manager CommandBox Commands v0.9.2+0000009 (CommandBox Modules)
Commands for pushing and pulling translation projects to Pixl8's translation manager
box install pixl8-translation-manager-commandbox-commands
BoxLang Microsoft SQL Server v1.1.0+7 (BoxLang Modules)
Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Support for BoxLang
box install bx-mssql
totp v1.0.11 (Modules)
A CFML implementation of Time-based One-time Passwords
box install totp
Mardown Dingus v1.2.0 (Modules)
The ColdFusion (CFML) version of the Markdown Dingus testing application
box install markdown-dingus
CommandBox ColdSpring XML to WireBox DSL v1.1.0+12 (CommandBox Modules)
This module will convert a ColdSpring XML to WireBox DSL
box install commandbox-coldspring-to-wirebox
BoxLang Image Library v1.0.1 (BoxLang Modules)
Boxlang Image processing module
box install bx-image
Mailgun.cfc v0.6.0 (Modules)
A CFML wrapper for the MailGun API
box install mailguncfc
testbox-snapshots v2.0.0 (Testing)
Use snapshot testing to easily prevent regressions in TestBox
box install testbox-snapshots
Boxlang WDDX Module v1.5.0+8 (BoxLang Modules)
BoxLang module for processing to and from Web Distributed Data eXchange (WDDX)
box install bx-wddx Command v0.1.5 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox comand for converting CFML tags to Script
box install cfscriptme-command
Masa CMS Authenticator Module v1.0.1 (Modules) Org Package
This is a Masa CMS Module for implementing Multi-Factor Authentication.
box install MasaAuthenticator
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