File Listing v1.1 (ContentBox Widgets)
Sweet ContentBox Widget for listing out files in a specified directory.
box install cbwidget-filelisting
TweetFeed v1.01 (ContentBox Widgets)
A Widget to use that uses the jquery Tweet libary and Twitter Search API to display a list of tweets
box install cbwidget-tweetfeed
SyntaxHighlighter v1.0 (ContentBox Widgets)
A Widget to use that uses the SyntaxHighlighter project to format your code
box install cbwidget-syntaxhighlighter
ColdFish Formatter v1.0 (ContentBox Widgets)
A Widget to use that uses the ColdFish project to format your code
box install cbwidget-coldfishformatter
Data Listing v1.1 (ContentBox Widgets)
ContentBox Widget that renders ContentStore data.
box install cbwidget-datalisting
ContentBox FormBuilder Widget v.01 (ContentBox Widgets)
A widget that renders form based on slug from a form built in the FormBuilder Module
box install ContentBox-FormBuilder-Widget
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