cfcrudgen v0.8.7 (Modules)
Custom ColdFusion CRUD tool
box install cfcrudgen
cfshipstation v0.9.4 (Modules)
API client for
box install cfshipstation
Another Test Package v1.2.0 (Modules)
Another test package following ortus cfcasts
box install AnotherTestPackage
CommandBox CFC to Markdown Docs v2.5.3 (CommandBox Modules)
Generate markdown documentation from your CFCs
box install commandbox-cfc-to-markdown-docs
quick-blog v1.0.0 (MVC)
box install quick-blog
Application-cfc v1.0.0 (Projects)
A Generic Application.cfc
box install application-cfc
CFWheels Template - Hello Dynamic v1.0.5 (CFWheels Templates)
CFWheels Template - Hello Dynamic
box install cfwheels-template-hellodynamic
My Cool Package v2.1.0 (Modules)
My cool package for Forgebox
box install mycoolpackage-gpickin
CFWheels Template - Hello Pages v1.0.15 (CFWheels Templates)
CFWheels Template - Hello Pages
box install cfwheels-template-hellopages
CFWheels Template - Hello World v1.0.19 (CFWheels Templates)
CFWheels Template - Hello World
box install cfwheels-template-helloworld
ITB 2022 CFScribe Demo v0.0.2 (Modules)
A demonstration of CFScribe for Into The Box 2022
box install scribeDemo
Commandbox-BoxLangFeatureAudit v0.0.9 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox wrapper for the Boxlang Feature Audit tool
box install commandbox-BoxLangFeatureAudit
PresideCMS Extension: Website user page visited logs v0.1.1 (Preside Extensions)
This is an extension for the Preside Platform that provides the admin view for logs of Website user pages visited
box install preside-ext-web-user-page-visited-logs
CFWheels JS Disable v1.1 (CFWheels Plugins)
JS Disable - CFWheels Plugin
box install cfwheels-js-disable
SunCalc v1.0.0 (Modules)
SunCalc is a tiny library for calculating sun position, sunlight phases, sunrise, sunset, dusk, etc.
box install SunCalc
finance v0.2.2 (Modules)
Common financial functions
box install finance
CFWheels SAML v1.0.0 (CFWheels Plugins)
CFWheels plugin for SAML Single Sign-On
box install cfwheels-saml
CB Breadcrumb v1.1.0 (Modules)
Automatically generate breadcrumb data and HTML in your ColdBox application, using the Routing table.
box install CBBreadcrumb
RaffleBox v1.2.0 (Projects)
A sweet package to do raffles with
box install rafflebox
Advent of Code Automation Runner v0.0.7 (CommandBox Modules)
Automatically retrieve your daily Advent of Code input and submit your answers.
box install wdm-aoc
webp v0.2.2 (Modules)
CFML ColdBox module to encode/decode Webp images. Includes and uses Google's WebP binaries.
box install webp
requestBin v2.4.0 (Modules)
box install requestBin
Introspection Coldbox v0.0.14 (Modules)
Works with the site modelling system to provide hierarchical and structural relationships between files in a coldbox site
box install introspection_coldbox
CommandBox Banner Hack v1.0.0 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox module for customizing all the text in the CLI startup banner.
box install commandbox-banner-hack
oauth2.cfc v0.1.0 (Modules)
An oAuth2 Consumer Component for CF
box install oauth2cfc
CFWheels iCal4j v2.0.0 (CFWheels Plugins)
CFWheels 2.x Plugin Date Repeats Methods via iCal4J Java Lib
box install cfwheels-ical4j
passifier v1.0.0 (Modules)
Description goes here
box install passifier
Default commandbox-ssg Template v0.0.3 (MVC)
box install commandbox-ssg-skeleton
Integrated Commands v2.0.1 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox tool for scaffolding Integrated specs
box install integrated-commands
CFML Challenge app v1.32.0 (MVC)
box install cfmlchallenge-app
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