normalizeToArray v1.0.3 (Modules)
Normalize any value to an array
box install normalizeToArray
REST HMVC Template v7.4.0+13 (MVC)
A modular API RESTFul template
box install cbtemplate-rest-hmvc
Sendgrid SDK v1.5.4 (Modules)
An API for interacting with SendGrid, including sending emails and receiving webhooks
box install sendgrid-sdk
CommandBox Docker .lex Install v0.0.4 (CommandBox Modules)
Preload Lucee extensions (.lex) into your CommandBox Docker deployments.
box install docker-lex-install
Recaptcha Google v2.0 v2.4.0 (Modules)
Provides viewlet for including Google's v2.0 Recaptcha, an API interface and a Validator for use with cbvalidation
box install recaptcha2
Super Simple APP Template v7.1.0 (MVC)
box install cbtemplate-supersimple
ColdBox Elastic APM v1.0.2 (Modules)
Adds support ColdBox apps to report their event name to Elastic APM
box install cbElasticAPM
Elixir VueJS App Template v6.14.0 (MVC)
A ColdBox application template that leverages ColdBox Elixir for assets and VueJS for UI
box install cbtemplate-elixir-vuejs
Stripe CFML v3.6.0 (Modules)
Stripe CFML is a CFML (Lucee and ColdFusion) library for interacting with the Stripe API.
box install stripecfml
Elixir APP Template v7.2.0+12 (MVC)
A ColdBox application template that leverages ColdBox Elixir for assets
box install cbtemplate-elixir
Ortus MongoDB Cache v1.2.0+5291 (Lucee Extensions)
Add to the Lucee Admin
unleashsdk v2.1.1 (Modules)
Library for interacting with Unleash feature flags
box install unleashsdk
PresideCMS CommandBox Commands v7.0.7+0000093 (CommandBox Modules)
Commands to help with PresideCMS development.
box install preside-commands
Advanced APP Template v1.27.2 (MVC)
box install cbtemplate-advanced
Simple APP Template v6.15.0 (MVC)
box install cbtemplate-simple
SESOnRequest v1.2.1 (Modules)
Sets the SES and HTML base url on each request.
box install ses-on-request
cfml-compiler v1.0.6 (CommandBox Modules)
A CommandBox command for compiling CFML code.
box install cfml-compiler
RollBar v2.0.0+20 (Modules)
A module to log messages and send bug reports to Rollbar
box install rollbar
ContentBox Modular CMS Installer v6.0.5 (CMS)
A ColdBox site configured and deployed with ContentBox CMS
box install contentbox-site
ColdBox Platform Utilities v5.0.0 (CFBuilder Extensions)
An incredible ColdFusion Builder Extension
box install ColdBox-Platform-Utilities
ColdBox Lookup Manager v1.1 (Projects)
A set of modules to provide dynamic scaffolding to any ColdBox application leveraging Transfer ORM
box install ColdBox-Lookup-Manager
Preside Extension: Blog v0.6.0 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-blog
cbguard v4.1.3 (Modules)
Annotation driven guards for authentication and authorization in ColdBox apps
box install cbguard
TestBox CLI v1.6.0+23 (CommandBox Modules)
The TestBox CLI will assist you with running, reporting and generating tests
box install testbox-cli IP Address lookup API with Coldbox module bindings v1.0.0+0000004 (Modules)
box install cbwhois
Illudium Scaffolding Templates v1.0 (Projects)
A set of scaffolding templates for ColdBox Applications using Illudium PU-36
box install Illudium-Scaffolding-Templates
CFConcurrent v2.1.3+0000077 (Projects)
A boilerplate-reduction library for using the Java Concurrency Framework in ColdFusion applications
box install cfconcurrent
cffractal v8.1.1 (Modules)
Transform business models to JSON data structures. Based on the Fractal PHP library.
box install cffractal
Preside Extension: CRM v2.0.1 (Preside Extensions)
box install preside-ext-crm
stachebox v2.1.2+116 (Modules)
A stachebox module for the coldbox platform
box install stachebox
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