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Flash Messages

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Easy, customizable messages across requests for ColdFusion


Flash Messages is a simple-to-use ColdFusion package for displaying messages across requests using flash or session RAM.

You can drop the current version into your application and start using flash messages customized for Bootstrap's alert classes. Or, you can create your own templates and control the look of the flash messages completely!


Using ColdBox

None! ModuleConfig.cfc wires everything up for you. Just inject FlashMessage into your application using the FlashMessage@flashmessage Wirebox binding.

Other / No Framework

The FlashMessage.cfc needs three parameters to work:

  1. A reference to your flash storage object. This object will need get(key) and put(key, value) methods.
  2. A config object with the following properties:
    1. A unique flashKey name to avoid naming conflicts.
    2. A reference to your containerTemplatePath. This is the view that surrounds each of the individual messages. It will have references to a flashMessages array and your messageTemplatePath.
    3. A reference to your messageTemplatePath. This is the view that represents a single message in FlashMessage. It will have a reference to a single flash message. The name is chosen by you in your container template.

Create your object with your two parameters and then use it as normal.


Create the FlashMessage.cfc object either by instantiating the object yourself (new or through a dependency injection framework like Wirebox (inject="FlashMessage@flashmessage");

Default Messages

public void function message(required string text, string type = "default")

The message() function takes a string for the text and an optional type and adds it to the flash storage for the next request.

"Magic Methods"

Alternatively, you can call any named method to have that name become the message type. For example:

flash.danger("My Awesome Message");
// becomes...
flash.message("My Awesome Message", "danger");

Easy, simple, and cool.

There is a small list of reserved words for this feature:

  • message
  • render
  • init
  • onMissingMethod

If you need to use any of these words as the type, set the type using flash.message()

Rendering the Flash Messages

public any function render()

The render() function compiles the provided container template and message template(s) and returns the html content.

A common place to put the render() call is in your main layout file (layouts/main in Coldbox).

Calling render() also clears out the flash message store.


Custom Flash Key

Flash Message uses a unique key to avoid naming conflicts in the flash scope. You can set your own flash key in your configuration structure.

var config = {
    flashKey = "myCustomFlashKey"

var flash = new, config);

In Coldbox, the flash key may be defined in your config/Coldbox.cfc file using the flashmessage key:

flashmessage = {
    flashKey = "myCustomFlashKey"

Custom Templates

By default, Flash Message provides a Bootstrap-ready template for display your messages. You can customize this by passing in the path to your container template and your message template inside a config structure.

var config = {
    containerTemplatePath = "/path/to/my/CustomFlashMessageContainer.cfm",
    messageTemplatePath = "/path/to/my/CustomFlashMessage.cfm"    

var flash = new, config);

In Coldbox, the template paths may be defined in your config/Coldbox.cfc file using the flashmessage key:

flashmessage = {
    containerTemplatePath = "/views/_templates/MyCustomFlashMessageContainer.cfm",
    messageTemplatePath = "/views/_templates/MyCustomFlashMessage.cfm"
Container Template

The container template has access to a flashMessages array (can be empty) and a reference to the messageTemplatePath.

In your custom template, you should loop through the flashMessages array and include the messageTemplatePath for each record.

Message Template

The message template has access to an individual flash message (format below). The name of the variable is set by you in your container template.

Message Format

Messages take the following format:

{ message: "message text here", type: "type name here" }


Flash Message includes a basic TestUtils component to help you out in testing. You can instantiate it either manually (new, config)) or through a Wirebox binding (testUtils@flashmessage).

Test Utils only includes two methods, but that should be enough.

public array function getMessages()

Returns all the messages currently in the flash storage. Returns an empty array if there are no messages.

public boolean function messageExists(required string checkMessage, string type = "")

Returns true if the provided message exists, false if not. If a type is provided, it will also check that the types are equal.

For example, if I had the following flash message — { message = "Test message", type = "warning" } — and I called testUtils.messageExists("Test message", "default"), I would receive false. If I called testUtils.messageExists("Test message"), I would receive true.

$ box install flashmessage

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