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Preside Extension:

v1.1.3 Preside Extensions

Preside Extension: OMDb API

This is an extension for Preside that probides a wrapper service for the OMDb API.

In detail the extension includes the following:

  • Webservice Wrapper for
  • Preside Object for movies
  • System setting to allow definition of one or more searches
  • Task to import/sync movies based on defined searches
  • TODO: automatically download movie poster images and store them in the asset manager


Install the extension to your application via either of the methods detailed below (Git submodule / CommandBox) and then enable the extension by opening up the Preside developer console and entering:

extension enable preside-ext-omdb
reload all

Git Submodule method

From the root of your application, type the following command:

git submodule add application/extensions/preside-ext-omdb

CommandBox (box.json) method

From the root of your application, type the following command:

box install preside-ext-omdb


Feel free to fork and pull request. Any other feedback is also welcome - preferable on the PresideCMS slack channel.

$ box install preside-ext-omdb

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  • {{ getFullDate("2016-10-09T04:17:57Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2016-10-18T11:07:40Z") }}
  • 2,459
  • 4,947