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CFWheels JWT

v1.0.2 CFWheels Plugins

CFWheels JWT


CFWheels Plugin ported from existing CFML Component by Jason Steinshouer for encoding and decoding JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which in turn is a port of the node.js project node-jwt-simple to cfml.

It currently supports HS256, HS384, and HS512 signing algorithms.


	// Initialize the component with the secret signing key
	jwtObj = jwt(secretkey);

	// Encode the data structure as a json web token
	// NB, using "token" as a variable name seems to cause issues
	thetoken = jwtObj.encode(payload);

	// Decode the thetoken and get the data structure back. This is will throw an error if the thetoken is invalid
	result = jwtObj.decode(thetoken);

Support for registered claims

Supports the nbf and exp registered claims that can be part of the payload. Verification of the token will fail if the token is not yet active or if the token is expired according to the nbf and exp claims. They should be numeric dates in Unix epoch time according to the JWT spec.

To ignore the exp claim during verification, pass ignoreExpiration=true when instantiating the JWT instance. For example:

jwtObj = jwt(key=secretkey, ignoreExpiration=true);

Also supports the aud and iss registered claims during verification. If you don't pass audience or issuer during instantiation, the claims will be ignored during verification. If you do pass them, they'll be included during the verification process. Here's an example:

jwtObj = jwt(key=secretkey, audience="myaudiencevalue", issuer="myissuervalue");
  •   Tom King
  • Published
  • 1.0.2 is the latest of 3 release(s)
  • Published on {{ getFullDate("2020-03-15T06:28:25Z") }}

$ box install cfwheels-jwt

  • {{ getFullDate("2018-03-15T04:33:07Z") }}
  • {{ getFullDate("2020-03-15T06:28:25Z") }}
  • 2,794
  • 181